Highlights the Importance of Website Administration Services

The recent breakdown of Obama's healthcare reform marketplace,, shows the importance of having responsive website administration services says CP Communications, a firm specializing reliable management and maintenance of websites.

As reported in The Hill, President Obama said in a recent fundraiser in Beverly Hills, that the administration has made progress towards fixing the website. " was actually starting to work pretty well now," stated the President.

In October 2013, the Obama administration set out to launch, a health care marketplace where American can browse and select their health insurance coverage move forward. It aims to provide affordable health care coverage for individuals, families and small businesses. However, a vast majority of visitors to the website were not able to sign up for any coverage on October 1, stated in an article from Politico.

"Just as we have seen with how the administration had needed support to handle and address their surge of web traffic, small and medium sized companies face the same challenges of maintaining their website to ensure their website never goes offline" said Robb Capielo, Founder and CEO of CP Communications.

CP Communications provides clients with a dedicated Project Manager who will oversee website administration services from website updates; product changes and similar announcements; graph, chart and photo additions; contact information changes; newsletter and e-mail list maintenance; site statistics and reporting; search engine optimization; e-mail account set-up and management and tech support.

"It's our job to make sure your site is always up, ready, and fully able to speak for itself," added Capielo. "Any business online needs to have the right team to support their needs at a moment's notice. I'm happy to learn how the Obama administration had made strides to correct the issue and that the website is now able to handle the higher capacity."

To find out more about the importance of website administration services, please visit to learn more.


Tags: website administration services, Website maintenance, website management services

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CP Communications
27542 Cenajo
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