Heliospectra Rated Best in New Study Carried Out by The University of Akron Research Foundation
San Francisco, CA, June 4, 2015 (Newswire.com) - (OTCQB: HLSPY,FIRSTNORTH: HELIO),Heliospectra AB (publ), which is a world leader in intelligent lighting technologies for plant research and greenhouse cultivation, gets top score in a new study carried out by the American University of Akron Research Foundation. In the study, Heliospectra’s LX60 got the best score out of the light sources tested.
The study, which involved lettuce (Lactuca sativa: v. Green Star), grown in a greenhouse hydroponic environment for a period of 45 days, included four of the leading commercial players in artificial light sources: Gavita, iGrow, Lumigrow and Heliospectra.
“We are incredibly satisfied with the evaluation made by the University of Akron in the USA, which again shows that plants cultivated under Heliospectra products are of very high quality. The study confirms the results we got when we performed a similar practical comparison with some of the world’s leading growers,” says Staffan Hillberg, CEO Heliospectra.
In the study summary and conclusion, Heliospectra receives the best score. In the “Brix results”, used to measure sugar values in plants, Heliospectra got a score of 6. Its closest rival, Lumigrow, scored 4. Also in the measurement of sensory properties such as taste and consistency, Heliospectra was a clear leader with a score of 9. Indicating excellent taste and texture. Here iGrow and Gavita were next, both scoring a 7.
In its evaluation, the University of Akron Research Foundation writes:
“Heliospectra ranks highest, with a deep, dark green colour to the leaves, a sweet taste, crisp consistency and good liveliness. The study found that Heliospectra’s LX 60 produced the best and most attractive lettuce out of the light sources tested.”
“Our hydroponic lettuce study clearly points to Heliospectra’s LX60 as the industry leader,” says Ruth Zito, horticulturalist and one of the people behind the study.
Heliospectra is delighted by the study, although the results regarding taste and quality are not surprising.
“Taste and quality are, of course, two particularly important parameters when you judge vegetables. At the same time, we at Heliospectra would also like people to consider energy consumption, which will be very important for cultivators of the future. And here too, tests show that professional cultivators using LX 60 can save up to 50 per cent energy compared with other light sources,” says Staffan.
The whole study is available at www.heliospectra.com/reviews
About Heliospectra AB
Heliospectra AB (publ - listed on NASDAQ OMX First North HELIO ISIN SE0005933082 as well as North American ADR OTCQB: HLSPY Cusip: 423281104) (www.heliospectra.com) specializes in intelligent lighting technology for plant research and greenhouse cultivation. Heliospectra products are based on in-depth knowledge in plant physiology and photosynthesis along with a unique way to utilize modern LED technology. After six years of development in Sweden, the company has now begun to expand into the international market. The company has raised more than $ 15 million in venture capital and has received more than $2.6 million through academic scholarships and grants. It has also received numerous awards for its forward thinking technology. Principal owners: Weland Steel www.welandstal.se, Swedish Industrial Fund www.industrifonden.se, Midroc www.midroc.se, Wood & Hill Investment www.whab.se
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The statements in this press release constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of federal securities laws. Such statements are based on our current beliefs and expectations and are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond our control. In addition, such forward-looking statements are subject to assumptions with respect to future business strategies and decisions that are subject to change. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, technical advances in the industry as well as political and economic conditions present within the industry. We do not take any obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or developments after a forward-looking statement was made.
Om Heliospectra AB
Heliospectra AB (publ – noterat på NASDAQ OMX First North HELIO ISIN SE0005933082 samt North American ADR OTCQB: HLSPY Cusip: 423281104) (www.heliospectra.se) specialiserar sig på intelligent belysningsteknik för växtforskning och växthusodling. Heliospectras produkter bygger på djupgående kunskaper om växters fysiologi och fotosyntes kombinerat med en unik användning av modern LED-teknik. Efter sex års utveckling i Sverige har företaget nu börjat att expandera på den internationella marknaden. Företaget har samlat in över 15 miljoner dollar i eget kapital och har fått över 2,6 miljoner dollar genom akademiska stipendier och anslag. Man har också mottagit ett flertal utmärkelser för sin nytänkande teknik. Huvudägare: Weland Stål www.welandstal.se, Industrifonden www.industrifonden.se, Midroc www.midroc.se, Wood & Hill Investment www.whab.se
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Uttalanden i detta pressmeddelande är framtidsinriktade uttalanden i den mening som avses i federala säkerhetslagar. Sådana uttalanden grundar sig på våra nuvarande övertygelser och förväntningar och är av naturen avhängiga av betydande affärsrelaterade, ekonomiska och konkurrensmässiga osäkerheter och oförutsedda händelser, av vilka många står utanför vår kontroll. Sådana framtidsinriktade uttalanden påverkas även av antaganden vad gäller framtida affärsstrategier och beslut som kan komma att ändras. Potentiella risker och osäkerheter inkluderar, men är inte begränsade till, tekniska framsteg inom branschen samt politiska och ekonomiska förutsättningar för branschen. Vi åtar oss inget ansvar för att uppdatera några framtidsinriktade uttalanden så att dessa avspeglar händelser eller utveckling som skett efter att ett framtidsinriktat uttalande gjorts.
For more information:
Investor Relations:
Michael Swartz, Analyst | Viridian Capital & Research, LLC | 212-333-0257 | [email protected]
Staffan Hillberg, CEO | Heliospectra AB | +46-708-36 59 44 | [email protected]
Tags: Commercial Greenhouse, Development, Indoor Greenhouse Manufacturing, plant research