HelloPrenup Featured in Forbes

HelloPrenup has been featured in the Forbes.com article "5 Grownup To-Do's"

 HelloPrenup has been featured in Forbes' article "5 Grownup To-Do's For Right Now." The article cites a prenuptial agreement as being necessary paperwork prior to marriage. 

"You can use online resources like HelloPrenup, which wants to take out the awkward lawyer aspect of writing prenups...when you get married, you should be protecting yourself from divorce." Read the entire article here: Forbes: 5 Grownup To-Do's For Right Now

HelloPrenup.com is the first online platform to offer prenuptial agreements for a fraction of the cost of hiring a lawyer. The platform aims to reduce the awkwardness that comes with discussing a prenup and the process of creating one. While utilizing the service, HelloPrenup couples are introduced to a simple and stress-free approach to creating their prenuptial agreement, by allowing the couple to participate in the process collaboratively using the platform's proprietary Q&A software. Visit HelloPrenup.com to learn more.

Source: HelloPrenup


Tags: HelloPrenup, New York Prenup, Prenups, Prenuptial Agreements

About HelloPrenup

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HelloPrenup is the first self-serve, online platform that allows couples to create a valid prenuptial agreement in hours instead of months, and for a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.

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