Help Haiti by Helping Spread a Message of Hope.
Online, February 7, 2010 ( - Louisville , KY February 9th. 2010 --- We've all seen the pictures and footage of the devastating earthquake that terrorized the residents of, and areas surrounding Port-au-Prince, Haiti on January 12th. Almost a week later, appeals for help have even reached Presidential proportions. One team of Internet Marketers has come up with a way of spreading the message of the Haitian peoples continuing need and give FaceBook users a way to build their friends list.
Website developer Kevin Fahey and CEO of eWorldRiches Robert McMillan were talking about what they could do to keep this continuing need in the hearts and minds of people world wide, when they came up with the idea.
It made them think that the vast power of the internet could be used to spread their message virally and World-Wide. Kevin developed a website and Robert donated the FaceBook Friend Blaster software as a gift to anyone who visited the site: and then simply forwarded it on to their friends.
The site contains links to several of the most reputable relief agencies, so that users will know that they are being directed to reliable organizations. Robert added a link to American Search and Rescue Dogs, so that anyone could donate to this priceless service that mans best friend provides.
Kevin reports that in the first week of the sites exposure it had attracted over 1,500 visitors taking advantage of their offer, and the message was spreading wonderfully.
Thank-You All,
Robert McMillan
"One hand washes the other"
Tags: Earthquake, Face Book, Haiti, Haitian disaster relief