help others while helping youre self

i wanna tell a story how my life changes

Hi i wanna tell you all how jen-fe became a big part of my life, i was contacted by a friend early in 2009 and he told me a story about how he had acid reflux for 15 years, he's had to go to the hospital 4 times in an ambulance, and this has bothered him a lot over the years. he told me that he had been trying every thing the doctors recommended but in spite of all the pills and medisin the pain never vent a away completely, it was just not as bad. But then a good friend of his brother called one day to tell him that he might be abel to help him with his problem, this friend had had an accident way back and shattered his knee, to make a long story short he was so post to be limp for ever, but then one day he hears there is a new product called Jen fe that has been helping people in many ways from loosing weight to almost anything, he disided to giv it a try and what do you know after 2 months the pain had completely disapeared he was just lost for words,so he calld the friend with the acid reflux and told him he might be abel to help him with his problem, of course he was interested after he heard what this had done for his knee ,he sad okey ill try it for a few weeks by the fourth week he stoped feeling pain. it has been 6 months and still both of them are feeling better the ever. know the three of us take jen fe every morning and we all so work to gether , every day is a new adventure we feel so good, we don't let nobody leave our office unless they have a big smile on there face.

If anybody wants to know more or if you have any questions, contact me
[email protected]


Tags: Best, good, help, jenfe, love, MLM

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