Henderson Bas Kohn Helps The Gay Who Wasn't Gay Enough

henderson bas kohn is helping Toronto's gay rugby team - Muddy York RFC - recruit new players with an online mockumentary, The Gay Who Wasn't Gay Enough, inspired by the players' true stories.

henderson bas kohn, an innovative award-winning advertising agency with a focus on digital, mobile, and social, is helping Toronto's gay rugby team - Muddy York RFC - recruit new players with an online mockumentary. The Gay Who Wasn't Gay Enough was inspired by the players' true stories and is viewable at http://tinyurl.com/muddyyork.

Produced in association with The Corner Store, The Gay Who Wasn't Gay Enough casts an unorthodox eye on the coming-out process, chronicling one man's struggle to find his identity AFTER coming to terms with his sexuality.

"Our community has so many stereotypes and perceptions of what defines 'gay' that, frankly, many guys just don't fit into," says Lino DiNallo, Senior Copywriter at henderson bas kohn, who also plays for Muddy York RFC and is the team's Director of Marketing & Media. "Try as we might, we either can't live up to these expectations, or simply can't be bothered. Hell, I tried synchronized swimming. It was fun but I failed miserably. And that's okay - it was an important part of my journey."

Already having cleared 60,000 YouTube hits in five days with $0 spent on media, critics have accused the video of everything from feminizing the sport to internalizing homophobia, "which seem like diametrically opposed opinions," remarks DiNallo. "But the concept of 'mockumentary' also seems lost on those same critics. 95% of people adore the film. One commenter described it as Billy Elliot in reverse, which struck me as the perfect analogy."

"This film captures how far a sincere and simple idea, well executed, can go," adds Kathy Kohn, Partner and Chief Creative Officer of henderson bas kohn. "It truly blurs the line between entertainment and advertising. We've already entered it into TIFF (the Toronto International Film Festival) and hope to see it on many screens over the coming months."


Tags: Advertising Agency, Canada, henderson bas kohn

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