Herit Corporation Integrated SoliCall In Its Media Server

SoliCall, provider of network echo cancellation, noise reduction, and voice quality improvement products, announced today that Korean-based Herit Corporation has integrated SoliCall's Server SDK for improving audio quality in its Flash Media Server

SoliCall, provider of network echo cancellation, noise reduction, and voice quality improvement products, announced today that Korean-based Herit Corporation has integrated SoliCall's Server SDK for improving audio quality in its Flash Media Server.

SoliCall has developed products for audio quality improvement that can be used both for server-side/network filtering and client-side filtering. SoliCall offers both OEM products and stand-alone plug-and-play products.

Herit developed an IP based flash media server. Its media server is used both for video calls and for voice calls. Herit has chosen SoliCall's technology to improve audio quality and specifically to have a robust server side acoustic echo cancellation (AEC). SoliCall's technology has overcame the technical difficulties that are part of all server side audio filtering and it has enabled Herit to significantly increase its MOS score.

"Solicall's SDK is proving good quality for both parties on our SUN platform and we will apply the SDK to serve voice and video call service on our LINUX platform as well", said Daniel Ham, Research Director for Herit. "The future of IT industry largely depends on the solutions and application to meet and further create end-user needs, while the telecommunication services will continue to become more personalized, integrated, and intelligent; far away from the old pattern of operator-driven typical services", he added.

"We are happy that Herit chose us as the best provider of audio quality for their platforms. Once again we see that in addition to providing a superior technology, our solution was built using standard infrastructure that can be easily ported to any platform that is required by our customers, therefore it has become so effective and popular" said Moses Benjamin, Director of Marketing for SoliCall.


About SoliCall Ltd.
SoliCall Ltd. is a privately-held company. SoliCall's goal is to raise the quality and standards of any audio conversation. SoliCall stands for communicating better by improving existing means of communication on any platform. www.solicall.com


Tags: AEC, AGC, audio, call, cancellation, echo, monitor, noise, PBX, quality, reduction, telecom, voice, voip

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