High Blood Pressure Insider Asks "Can Low Blood Pressure Be A Bad Thing?"

High Blood Pressure Insider is dedicated to promoting a more natural approach to achieving low blood pressure. Usually, the lower your blood pressure, the healthier you are felt to be. But is this always the case?

High Blood Pressure Insider is a website uniquely dedicated to promoting a more natural approach to achieving low blood pressure. Usually, the lower your blood pressure, the healthier you are considered to be.

When we hear the phrase "low blood pressure" we almost automatically think that this is a positive thing. However, there are circumstances when low pressure is not desirable.

Low blood pressure, also sometimes referred to as hypotension, is a condition where the arterial blood pressure is abnormally low. Blood pressure is a measure of the force that your heart uses to pump blood around your body. Usually, the lower your blood pressure, the healthier you are.

On its own, low blood pressure (hypotension) does not always cause symptoms. If you have low blood pressure, and you do not have any symptoms, you do not require treatment.

However, low blood pressure can sometimes mean that there is not enough blood flowing to your brain and other vital organs. As a result, you may experience some of the following symptoms:

* dizziness or light-headedness
* fainting
* blurred vision
* palpitations (a rapid, or irregular, heart beat)
* cold feet and hands
* nausea

If you experience any of the symptoms of hypotension after changing positions, when you stand up for example, it is known as postural, or orthostatic, hypotension. If you experience these symptoms after eating, it is known as postprandial hypotension.

Postural hypotension occurs when your blood pressure falls after a sudden movement. For example, you may feel dizzy or faint after changing posture, such as sitting up from a lying position or standing up from a sitting position. This may cause you to lose your balance and fall over. You may also feel light-headed, have blurred vision, or lose consciousness.

The symptoms of postural or orthostatic hypotension should only last a for short period as your blood pressure adjusts to your new position. This type of low blood pressure tends to affect people more as they get older when it can lead to more frequent falls. Similar symptoms may also occur after performing exercise.

Doctors have very different opinions about low blood pressure, or hypotension. Some consider it to be unimportant, unless caused by blood loss, trauma, severe infection or toxic shock. But some advise people to take regular medication for low blood pressure.

There are medical professionals who believe that the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry are conspiring to redefine millions of healthy people as patients who need to be medicated for life. On the other hand, a new paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that blood pressure drugs may benefit heart disease patients even if they don't have high blood pressure.

Our advice ... If you're feeling good then don't let a doctor overdiagnose you. Author Dr. Gilbert Welch recalls how he once medicated an active elderly man for slightly elevated blood pressure, only to have the patient faint from an episode of low blood pressure.

Normal blood pressure in a healthy young adult is about 110/70, but some people are quite healthy and happy with a blood pressure as low as 90/60. These people also often have a slightly slower pulse rate than normal (less than 70).

Top-class athletes often have low blood pressure and a slow pulse, so some doctors believe low blood pressure is a sign you're particularly healthy.

If you have low blood pressure then there's one thing you might want to check. If you're dehydrated or not well, your blood pressure may be low or fall easily when you stand. Ensure you're drinking plenty of fluids - that's several glasses a day in a cool climate and more in a hot climate. Otherwise consult your doctor. If you're feeling well, most doctors would say you don't need treatment.

Go to High Blood Pressure Insider to discover a more natural approach to achieving low blood pressure. High Blood Pressure Insider was created to educate people to manage their blood pressure levels and enjoy the numerous benefits from having a healthy heart.

To learn more about High Blood Pressure Insider go to http://www.highbloodpressureinsider.org


Tags: heart disease, hypotension, low blood pressure

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