High Quality Forex Training Books & Resource

Forextrainingbooks.com offers an e-book 'The Trading Coach' besides everyday training. The book is written by a seasoned forex trader. The site provides great tips on forex trading.

UK - Mar 9, 2010, people prefer to trade the Forex Markets (Foreign Exchange), being the supreme discipline of trading. Forex trading is a safe bet since this cannot be easily manipulated by insiders and speculators, as, for example, it is the case for the stock markets. Furthermore, Forex has the advantage that one can continuously trade. Thus, the Forex market is a very suitable trading market for working people as well. Also there is lot of resource available Forex training. Moreover, what is really advantageous is to trade Forex with small accounts. So you can e.g. trade with €1000 with your first Forex account, which is rather difficult or even impossible for shares or futures markets.

The 'Trading Coach' is written by someone who has been in stocks and trading since 25 years. He dealt in stocks for long before switching to forex trading. He quit trading in the stock markets and entered the Forex market, since it cannot be so easily manipulated. The thing with Forex was that he had to learn forex first, and then earn his stripes first and managed to lose several demo accounts and also genuine money in the process. Only after a long time without trading and an intensive study of books, visits of seminars, webinars, etc. he started with Forex trading again and started small until he could earn a living from trading. He wanted to pass on his laboriously compiled knowledge to other traders as well, and spare them the hard times and numerous stakes; he decided to also offer his e-book ("The Trading Coach") for traders, apart from his daily Forex trading.

The site offers a E-Book Written from a trader for traders. "The Trading Coach" is an e-book written from a trader for traders. With about 150 pages "The Trading Coach" is written for your daily trading. All strategies and tactics are explained with a lot of examples, graphics and pictures. Thus, it is easy for you to find your entries and exits when trading. This e-book is not only written for Forex traders and is the best of forex books. You can use these strategies also for your stock or futures trading. The e-book will answer various questions like, how to start your trading day, how to analyze the Forex markets and financial markets, you will learn about the psychology of trading, how to get greed and fear under control when trading, how important money- and risk-management are, that you should have a trading plan, how you can find your personal trading strategy etc

About forextrainingbooks.com:

Forextrainingbooks.com offers an e-book 'The Trading Coach' besides everyday training. The book is written by a seasoned forex trader. The site provides great tips on forex trading.

For more information contact: http://www.forextrainingbooks.com


Tags: forex book, forex books, forex course, forex education, forex training, forexlearning, learn forex

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