High Speed Rail Discussion And Local Actors Featured In "Railroader"

Why would a Railroader (Lee) from a Bay Area Ghost Town travel through time to get over $ 3.8 billion in private and Government funding for the California High Speed Rail? And why does Lee quit drinking blended 18 year old scotch? Ask Jimmy...

A railroader from a Ghost Town delivers cash, bonds and gold to a banker. Meanwhile, Senators Joe Simitian, Alan Lowenthal, Lou Correa, and Mark DeSaulnier from the Senate Budget Appropriations Committee contribute to a discussion along with the California High Speed Rail Authority Director Dan Richard, and board member Jim Hartnett. Will Kempton from the High Speed Rail Peer Review Group outlines a new, less risky (financially) High Speed Rail (HSR) design. The timeline for construction, bond allocations, future funding and recent personnel changes are debated and refined. Dan Richard, High Speed Rail Authority Director, explains the "blended" approach of the so-called "bookends" of the HSR trunk route. This great new approach includes electrification of the Bay Area and San Francisco to San Jose Caltrain segment and the Metrolink from Orange County to Los Angeles. The scenes from the film depict the urgency for the answer to the traveler's questions, like making connections. It is your turn as the viewer to decide. The movie includes a bit of imagination as the Railroader looks into the future while travelling in the past.

Principal cast includes the Railroader, starring Alexander Kanellakos, Bobbie Jo Lanham (Bartender), Kim Lefebvre (Printing Office Clerk), Mike Kolito (Printing Office Manager) and Ray Medved (Banker). Shelley MacKay and Dave Gizzarelli are featured in an acoustic vocal music video performed by guitarist / vocalist Alexander Kanellakos. A ZZ Top cover tune is played for the closing credits. Governor Brown provides closing comments on the project. The program is airing on television throughout California.

Written and directed by Alexander Kanellakos, CTO of Apollo Productions / AAR Digital, LLC. trt = 58 min.


Tags: Alan Lowenthal, Alexander Kanellakos, California, High Speed Rail, Jim Hartnett, Joe Simitian, Lou Correa, Mark DeSaulnier. Dan Richard, Senator

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Alexander Kanellakos
Press Contact, Apollo Productions / AAR Digital, LLC
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PO BOX 51567
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