Higher Brain Living® Comes to Minneapolis

Neuroscience breakthrough energizes higher brain functioning in 22 step program. Results reported in all areas including mental-emotional, physical health, relationships, healthy lifestyle, work and career and more. Free presentations.

Higher Brain Living® is a proven Personal Development system that is starting to sweep the nation with new centers being launched in 13 states over the next year.

HBL is a unique, science-based approach with thousands of proven results since its launch seven years ago. EEG studies show that HBL clients produce brain waves similar to those of Tibetan meditators hand selected by the Dalai Lama for high functioning. The meditators took an average of 4 hours of meditation per day for 30 years to attain these EEG levels. The HBL clients showed this evidence with only their 22 week program!

Free Introductory Presentations with Live Demonstrations are offered frequently. The great percentage of attendees express genuine amazement at what they witness and express interest in at least the discounted sample sessions, if not the entire program.

HBL presenters explain that most people only use 5-10% of their brain's potential because the lower stress-and-fear-based brain highjacks energy from the higher brain. This keep people stuck in the mundane or even worse, in dysfunction. The Higher Brain is the part of the brain necessary for high-end human experience (calm, confidence, joy) and high-end human capability (goal-achievement, effective decision-making, follow-through, high performance, relationship & career success, etc.).

The HBL technique and program physiologically release the lower brain's grip and this bound-up energy to flow to the higher brain. Clients report across the board that the stress release experienced is wonderful and often profound. This freed up brain energy is now available for creating the life of confidence, joy, and abundance most desire. The brain has the capacity to rewire itself for this to become the baseline functioning.

Psychologist Craig Polsfuss, MA, LP, co-owner of the Northeast Arts District AWAKEN Center with his son, Zachary, says that he has never seen such immediate and sustainable outcomes from any other program. Although not positioned as a treatment or therapeutic service, Polsfuss states that such outcomes are generated because the most developed and evolved part of the brain -- the pre-frontal cortex or Higher Brain -- is intimately associated with all human experience and all human functioning.

"We are very proud to bring such a useful resource to the Twin Cities," says Polsfuss. "And our new AWAKEN Center is one of the most dynamic and beautiful in the country! We hope everyone will visit and sample HBL for themselves. The proof is in experiencing one or two sessions personally."

Polsfuss is available for media interviews.


Tags: higher brain, personal development, personal transformation

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Craig Polsfuss
Press Contact, AWAKEN Higher Brain Living-Northeast Arts District
AWAKEN Higher Brain Living-Northeast Arts District
201 6th Street SE - Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55414
United States