Hiring the Right Employee, and Hiring the Right Way, Words From Brandon Frere

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It takes employees to run a business, even if the only employee is the boss and owner, too. As a business grows, it’s going to need more employees. Brandon Frere, successful entrepreneur and CEO of several companies, advises business-healthy ways of finding and hiring employees for the betterment of a company.

It’s becoming more common to enlist the help of temp agencies for finding the right employees for the job. Temp agencies take the time to already perform background checks and deliver cherry-picked resumes to an employer’s hands, so to speak. After the most ideal candidates have been chosen, they’ll have a temporary contract put in place for a trial period where usually the temp is hired afterward. This system is great to help bring employees to companies that need them, but maybe don’t have the resources to put out their own social net to grab the attention of prospective employees.

Taking advantage any and all things available to advance a business is necessary, but people aren't things. Employees that work for a company are key assets that need to be properly taken care of. My employees have chosen to work towards the betterment of my businesses, and it humbles me, and so I make sure to take care of them.

Brandon Frere, CEO of Frere Enterprises

But with any system, there are ways to exploit it. In this case never hiring temps as full-time employees, or firing current full time employees in the end goal of hiring them through a temp agency again for less money.  Doing so damages the integrity of the company and if the exploitation goes on long enough, has the potential to drive away future employees who have heard about the company’s abuse of its employees and maybe even ruin a company's reputation. “Taking advantage any and all things available to advance a business is necessary, but people aren’t things. Employees that work for a company are key assets that need to be properly taken care of. My employees have chosen to work towards the betterment of my businesses, and it humbles me, and so I make sure to take care of them,” said Frere.

About Brandon Frere

Brandon Frere is an entrepreneur and businessman who lives in Sonoma County, California. He has designed and created multiple companies to meet the ever-demanding needs of businesses and consumers alike. His website, www.BrandonFrere.com, is used as a means of communicating many of the lessons, fundamentals, and information that he has learned throughout his extensive business and personal endeavors, most recently in advocating on behalf of student loan borrowers nationwide.

As experienced during his own student loan repayment, Mr. Frere found out how difficult it can be to work with federally contracted student loan servicers and the repayment programs designed to help borrowers. Through those efforts, he gained an insider’s look into the repayment process and the motivations behind the inflating student loan debt bubble. His knowledge of the often confusing landscape of student loan repayment became a vital theme in his future endeavors, and he now uses those experiences to help guide others through the daunting process of applying for available federal repayment and loan forgiveness programs.


Source: Brandon Frere


Tags: business ethics, business model, employee, entrepreneurship, hiring, small business owner, temp agencies

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