HIV And AIDS Awareness

In an effort to sensitise young children about issues pertaining to HIV and AIDS, Denim Club India in association with the Interact Club of the Bal Bharti Public School (BBPS)organised an on the spot poster making competition.

New Delhi - In an effort to sensitise young children about issues pertaining to HIV and AIDS, Denim Club India in association with the Interact Club of the Bal Bharti Public School (BBPS), Ganga Ram Hospital Marg, organised an on the spot poster making competition based on the 2009 Campaign Theme - Do Something & Make A Difference - on 20th December, 2009 as a part of the Winter Carnival of the School.
Student volunteers facilitated the poster making competition near the stall of the Interact Club by providing participants with sheets, colours and other provisions. A large number of students participated in the poster making competition. Three best posters were selected and the participants were given away prizes and Certificate of Excellence.

BBPS, Ganga Ram Hospital Marg had associated with the HIV and AIDS Awareness Campaign by Denim Club India and the Interact Club of the school organised a Denim Give Away Drive in the school. A large number of old / unused denims were collected from the students during the three week period in which the Denim Give Away Drive was run in the school.

The Denim Give Away Drive culminated on 20th December, 2009 coinciding with the Winter Carnival of the school. Mr. L. V. Sehgal, Principal, BBPS, handed over the Denims collected in the drive to Denim Club India and these denim garments will be passed on to People Living with or affected by HIV and AIDS.
Mr. Rajesh Dudeja, Founder, Denim Club India, said "Young children are creative and can grasp issues and further use art to convey clear and concise messages; this is evident from the posters made by the students who participated in the Poster Making competition. By involving children in such competitions, we access a much larger audience as the children take the story home and tell their friends and family about it."

The year long HIV and AIDS Awareness Campaign by Denim Club India with the theme "Do Something and Make A Difference" was launched on 1st December 2009 and will continue till 30th November, 2010. During this period, different segments and sections of civil society will be targeted through this campaign. The campaign will reach out to the youth in schools and colleges, the low income group workers and decision makers / senior executives in industrial establishments, and general public by way of arranging for interactive sessions.

About Denim Club India
Denim Club India is an ambitious, one-of-its-kind, far-sighted initiative to make available a unified platform to all denim professionals in India - where they can meet, interact with each other, and share thoughts, ideas and achievements.

Denim Club India is a social and professional networking place for professionals involved in denim related activities - be it manufacturing, marketing, sourcing, trading, designing, conversion into made-ups, merchandising, retailing, etc.


Tags: Cause, Denim Day, HIV and AIDS, India Denim Day

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Dudeja R.
Press Contact, Denim Club India
Denim Club India
Denim Club India, 196, Naraina
New Delhi