Ho-Ho-Ho! Santa Claus Is Calling Beijing Kids For Last Minute Order Confirmations - Compliments Of The China Trade Commission
Online, December 5, 2011 (Newswire.com) - Ho-Ho Ho! Its that time of year again and Santa Claus is checking his list to see if YOUR child needs a call to go over their wish list or a reminder that he/she may soon be deleted from the delivery list if they don't start behaving! Between December 10th and the 24th, Santa will be calling 5,000 children in Beijing in English, Chinese, or Spanish - all FREE thanks to the China Trade Commission which first brought Santa Claus to China in 1998 and added the "Santa is Calling" program in 2009.
Last year over 3,000 kids in Beijing received the 2 minute call from the jolly guy in Red and then even got a follow-up email with and "order and delivery address confirmation". This year 6 more volunteers will allow 2,000 more kids to get the call this year. The multi-lingual Santa's making the calls are quite convincing volunteers from America, Canada, and the U.K. who even get a full day of Santa training.
Watch and videotape the look on your child's face when he grabs the phone and hears Santa's voice! They will talk about this call for days and make believers out their brothers and sisters too. To schedule a call for your child and include some secret message like "Stop fighting with your little sister Karen" or "Why did you lie to Granpa about..." or "Your teacher Ms. Jones told me...." just send a short email with your name, your child's name and age, and your mobile no to MeetSantaClaus(at)Gmaildotcom and they will get the call sometime before the 24th usually between 6pm and 9pm (No calls are made after 9:00pm unless requested).
This program is limited to children between the ages of 3-8 years of age residing in Beijing. Next year the China Trade Commission will expand the program throughout 12 other cities in China.
Tags: Anthony DeMarco, Arbitration, beijing, ChinaTradeCommission, dispute, fraud, labor, law, legal, problem, Santa Claus, scam