Holiday Island Holdings, Inc. Announces Large Share Purchase and Return to Treasury

Holiday Island Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:HIHI), an emerging small cap company transitioning to a real estate development, management, and marketing firm, announced today it has a executed agreement with two major shareholders to purchase 280,000,000 shares and return them to the Company’s treasury.

Yesterday, 130,000,000 shares have been received by the Company’s transfer agent for treasury return processing.  The balance of 150,000,000,000 shares are in the process of being returned to the transfer agent.  All related documents have been executed by all parties to the agreement and accepted by the transfer agent.  Management and outside Advisors expect the change in the Company’s capitalization structure, reducing the outstanding shares from approximately 980 million to 700 million, will have an immediate and long term favorable effect on shareholder value and stock liquidity, positioning the Company to realize its near and long term capital raises.


This press release, together with other statements and information publicly disseminated by Holiday Island Holdings, Inc., contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27 A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21 E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  You should not rely on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that are, in some cases, beyond Holiday Island Holdings, Inc. control, and which could materially affect actual results, performances or achievements.  Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include the risk factors discussed in Holiday Island Holdings, Inc. filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

SOURCE:  Holiday Island Holdings, Inc.

For more information and progress, please visit our website at


Gene Thompson, Director
Holiday Island Holdings, Inc.
3 Parkwood Drive, Suite C
Holiday Island, AR 72631
Phone:  479-244-6047
Email:  [email protected]
[email protected]


Tags: management, real estate, real estate development

About Holiday Island Holdings, Inc.

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Emerging small cap publicly held company trading on the OTC:PK with the opportunity to transition the Company into the recreational / planned community real estate business, and dominate the local retail, commercial, and residential business.

Holiday Island Holdings, Inc.
United States