Holistic Health Expert Reveals The Power Of Giving Thanks

Drawing from an ancient story, wellness expert explains why gratefulness is a powerful tool for achieving a better life.

"Thanks" is a simple word. But it contains enormous power. Usually people think about how it makes the person receiving the thanks feel good. But it also holds tremendous power for the person who is giving thanks.

As wellness expert Karen Sehgal explains, thankfulness gives the person who is thankful enormous strength to contend with life's challenges.

An old story - one of Aesop's fables - explains this dynamic exceptionally well. In the story a dog finds a delicious chunk of fresh cheese on the side of the road. Hardly believing his luck, the dog trots off to find a good place to enjoy his feast.

Along his way the dog crosses over a bridge. Halfway across, the dog looks over and sees his reflection in the water. Mistaking this image for another dog with an even bigger chunk of cheese in his mouth, the dog decides to try to get the other cheese too.

When the dog opens his mouth to bark, the cheese in drops into the water below. He loses his treasured chunk of cheese.

"This is a well-worn story, but a lesson that never gets old," explains Sehgal. "Too often we are fortunate to have nice chunks of cheese in our life, but we lose them because we overlook them in our fixation with getting more."

Many times people get preoccupied with working longer and harder to increase pay . . . or bemoaning that they can't fit into a size 4 jeans . . .

Only to lose track of family, warm home and good health.

"It's human nature," explains Sehgal. "And there's nothing wrong with aspiring to greater heights or working towards goals. The problem arises when your ambitions start to undermine current wellbeing and wealth. On the flipside, when we shift our attention to being thankful for what we have, interestingly enough, it gives us a tremendous boost in getting closer to our goals in life."

Sehgal explains 2 ways gratefulness can empower people:

• First, being grateful shifts the focus to the good things in life and consequently tunes the brain into working to sustain and add to this good stuff. By keeping this focus, the unconscious brain helps people become more alert to opportunities, more confident about seizing them, and more capable of executing what's needed to be done to make the most of them.

• Secondly, giving thanks sparks energy - lots of it. Worries and frustrations drag people down mentally. Stress just eats away at people. Life is tough enough as it is. Sure, acknowledge challenges. But why waste energy fixating on the negative stuff instead of the solutions and the tools available to fix things?

Sehgal concludes, "When you take some time every day to count your blessings, you're telling the universe you appreciate what you have. And - as quantum physics explains - the universe tends to respond to the positive energy you've brought into your life. It strengthens the good things you have and gives you more. Bottom line, don't lose the good stuff in your life, because you forgot how good you have it. Give thanks and gain from it."

To get more information or to read the rest of the article and learn 2 additional ways gratefulness can transform your life, please go to https://sunchlorellausa.com/blog/power-giving-thanks

About Karen Sehgal

Karen Sehgal has spent her life dedicated to the study of the mind, body and spirit. She currently owns and teaches Pilates at her Pilates studio, Joy of Movement, located in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, and is also the owner of Joy of Wellness Retreats. She shares her love, joy, and spirituality by teaching Yoga at Harmony Yoga in Redondo Beach, CA. Karen is also an esteemed member of the Sun Chlorella Advisory Board.

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Tags: give thanks, giving thanks, thankfulness, thanks

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