Holistic Medicine Doctor Offering Holistic Metaphysical (Spiritual) Counseling in Charleston, SC

Holistic Medicine Doctor and Counselor, Dr. Theresa M. Kelly, is now offering Holistic Metaphysical Counseling services through NeuroLogic Integrated Health Center in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

Holistic Medicine Doctor and Counselor, Dr. Theresa M. Kelly, is now offering Holistic Metaphysical Counseling services through NeuroLogic Integrated Health Center in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

Dr. Kelly has well over a decade of counseling experience in holistic counseling, holistic medicine practice, and related research. Dr. Kelly is a metaphysician, has her (Honorary) Doctorate of Metaphysics, and is an ordained minister, has a Certification of Ministry. She is a member of the Metaphysical Society of America (MSA), and a board reviewed member of an affiliated organization of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

In addition, Dr. Kelly is on the board of directors for the Melinda A. Carter Foundation, a local youth mental health charity, and president and professor of Alternative Studies at the University of Alternative Studies. Dr. Kelly is also a bestselling author on the subject of Metaphysics, has written several books, and has self-publish many professional papers and research reports.

Defining Holistic Metaphysical Counseling

Holistic Metaphysical Counseling supports reaching higher levels of awareness and wellness as well as preventing illness by addressing the mind, body, and spirit through Metaphysical Scientific Methodologies. People enjoy the vitality and well-being that results from their positive lifestyle changes, and are motivated to continue this process throughout their lives.

Holistic Metaphysical Counseling is a system of counsel in which nurtures the interconnectivity of the mind, body and spirit, leading towards optimal attainment of physiological, psychological, emotional, and interpersonal (social), via transpersonal (spiritual/metaphysical) well-being. Holistic Metaphysical Counseling emphasizes on analyzing the whole of an individual, from a metaphysical standpoint, as a means to identify deficiencies limiting health and well-being in all aspects of life.

Holistic Metaphysical Counseling functions as a Meta-Scientific approach to life, and while it encompasses the "spiritual" aspect of an individual, counseling sessions can be with or without a set theological system (particular religious beliefs). A Holistic-Metaphysical approach to healing goes beyond just eliminating symptoms. Rather, a symptom is considered a message that something beyond the mind/body may need attention. So, the symptom is used as a guide to look below the surface for the root cause. Then what really needs attention can be addressed.

Holistic Metaphysical Counseling is for individuals who have accepted their responsibility for their own level of well-being, and who are ready to become aware of, and begin to cease self-defeating everyday behaviors as a means to take charge of their own health care. Holistic Health is an on-going process, a lifestyle, of which includes a personal commitment to be consistently moving towards the right end of the wellness scale. Regardless of you current status of health, individuals can improve their level of well-being, even despite transitory setbacks, as permanency only occurs when one stops moving, otherwise, one is still progressing.

Dr. Kelly has an extensive counseling background, so counseling sessions can be based on what ever area(s) of life in which the client feels they need direction. Services are "Life Counseling" through metaphysical (spiritual) methods and techniques, so her services are all inclusive. Methods can include adjusting ideology, incorporating relaxation techniques, implementing recreation or creative expression, and making positive adjustments to the client's career and relationships, just to name a few.

Dr. Kelly has used these methods herself for many years, and has used these methods to help her clients for over 10 years. How she directs her clients is dependent on the client's current satiation and what they want to accomplish in life. She looks at where they are now, what type of person they are, and helps direct them towards where, who, and how they want to be. The most common reason clients come to Dr. Kelly is for stress relief (general stress, worry, sadness) and to learn how to adjust their life to limit stress, and how to deal with stress on a daily basis so it does not affect their health or productivity. Less stress ='s more time to relax, be happy, make the right choices, and enjoy life. :)

Why Holistic Metaphysical Counseling Works

Scientific research has provided evidence that when one is physically or emotionally stressed, their body releases stress hormones that can affect all of ones systems and organs. For example, stress related to hostility and anxiety can result in disruptions in heart and immune function. In addition, depression and distress may diminish the body's natural ability to heal. Specific emotions have been associated with disease, such as hostile attitudes may increase ones risk for coronary heart disease, obesity , insulin resistance, and abnormal cholesterol.

There is no evidence that negative emotions actually cause disease. However, research shows that being stressed and having negative emotions can be unhealthy. For example, one study found that unconsciously being defensive or stifling feelings may result in medical consequences, such as high blood pressure. High blood pressure is also associated with feelings of hopelessness. How a person deals with emotions may also affect how long they survive with a chronic illness. The goal of Holistic Metaphysical Counseling is to get the body and mind to relax and to reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body, so that ones immune system is better able to fight off illness.

Evaluations and Expectations

First time clients will receive a free phone evaluation to assess their goals and expectations when scheduling their first appointment to make sure they will benefit from Dr. Kelly's services. The evaluation will consist of evaluating where the client is currently, and where they desire to be in the future, based on the 9 Steps of Holistic Metaphysical Counseling.

The 9 Steps of Holistic Metaphysical Health

1. Accepting responsibility for one's own level of mental, physical, and spiritual health. "You are solely responsible for your own health, your own happiness, your own success, your own life."

2. Belief in an intelligent and loving power greater then one's self, and accepting such a power into one's life.

3. Identifying and admitting to self-defeating everyday thoughts and behaviors as a means to take charge of one's life.

4. Actively replacing one's self-defeating thoughts and behaviors for positive and productive thoughts and behaviors to take charge of one's daily life and future.

5. Shifting one's attention, by redesigning ones life, towards what one desires to attract and aspires to be.

6. Believing in thy self, loving thy self, and accepting that one is fully capable of becoming, and taking action towards, what one aspires to be.

7. Actively seeking a connection with such a power through meditation or prayer for guidance.

8. Being receptive and "listening" to such powers guidance in regards to one's life.

9. Discovering how one can reach out into the lives of others, in their own way, to share their success and spiritual awakenings.

Whether one wants to take these steps, but are unsure how to start, have tried these steps and felt lost or unsure, or simply need support or an accountability partner through these steps, Holistic Metaphysical Counseling can help. No matter how simple or complex one's current situation is, how many steps one has left to go to reach their goals, or how uncertain one is about how to achieve their goals, Holistic Metaphysical Counseling can help.


Tags: counseling, metaphysics, spiritual counseling

About Theresa M. Kelly, MsD

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Dr. Theresa M. Kelly, MsD.
Press Contact, Theresa M. Kelly, MsD
Theresa M. Kelly, MsD
@ NeuroLogic Integrated Health Center - 874 Whipple Road, Mount Pleasant, SC
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
United States