Hollywood Film All I Ever Wanted with Ed Norwood Set to Be Released Summer 2015

Actors who are the real-deal love nothing more than getting to play a broad range of characters or to play something against type such as Steve Carell has had the opportunity to do. Britsh actor Ed Norwood is doing just that as his film All I Ever Wanted is set for release.

In the film Foxcatcher, Oscar-nominee Steve Carell portrays a character who is the total opposite of what we're used to seeing him in. Instead of the hopelessly naïve middle-class, middle-aged goofy guy he is usually cast as, Carell plays the role of John du Pont, true-life murderer and heir to the du Pont fortune.

Getting the opportunity to play diverse characters, like Carell in this case, is what many actors live for, and it's certainly true for British actor Ed Norwood, who just recently finished shooting the film "All I Ever Wanted." Norwood is currently recording the role of Maximilian Morel in the new musical "Count of Monte Cristo." He recently shot the SAG short film “Institutions,” which screened at the Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood.

Norwood has been likened to Benedict Cummerbatch who also works across-the-board in television, film, and theatre. Not only does Norwood, a 23-year-old native of Stratford-Upon-Avon, England, act in projects for different media, but the range of intense characters he is being cast in would be enviable to most actors.

Ed gives kudos to director Bennett Miller for taking the risk and giving Carell a chance to play this dramatic role that has garnered an Oscar nomination.  As a result of carefully-selected roles, Norwood’s talents have been demonstrated in a wide range of characters. From leading comic in the British opera "The Mikado," to troubled artist in the new coming-of-age short film “April Sun,” Norwood has avoided an actor's greatest fear of being typecast and forever relegated to one type of role. Given the looks of the slate of the projects he's scheduled to film this year, his versatility of roles will continue.

"Of course, Hollywood is a business, so I understand that casting often needs to be what the audience is used to. But every now and then when we see a director like Miller who's willing to take the risk and give an actor the opportunity to lay themselves on the line in a way we haven't seen. That keeps the business alive with possibilities," Norwood reflects.

You can catch Norwood this summer in his latest Hollywood feature film "All I Ever Wanted."

For more information on Ed Norwood, contact Melody Jackson at Smart Girls Public Relations, 818/907-6511.


Tags: Acting Talent, Actor, Actors Dream, Ed Norwood, Hollywood, Steve Carell

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