Home Invasions Dramatically Rising in U.S.!

The FBI says: "Every 12 seconds a home is invaded by someone going right through a front or back door". This happens in 70+% of all break-ins. 82% of the time"Door Frame Failure" is the cause.

David Carrington, home security expert and owner of Door Security Pro is pleased to announce that the newly redesigned "Door Security Pro Door Security Guard" has started shipping nationwide. Door Security Pro designs and manufactures door security products, all made in the USA.

The "Door Security Pro Door Security Guard" is a simple to install "patent pending" door security device which mounts to any exterior door frame. This prevents door frame failure which is most often the cause when a door is assaulted with force, such as being kicked. Kicking a door open is the favorite method of entry for most burglars.

Carrington says that during these tough economic times, business is booming for his company. He states that across the nation, according to the most recent FBI statistics, that home burglaries are the only crime category that is still going up. He feels that in tough times, some otherwise honest people may be turning to crime as a means to survive.

Most often, homes are invaded by intruders simply kicking open a door, which often takes less than a second. This is possible because most homes have wooden door frames constructed from softwoods such as Pine or Fir. Wooden door frames simply can't hold up to very much force, such as being kicked or "shoulder slammed".

The "Door Security Pro Door Security Guard" eliminates this problem by reinforcing wooden door frames with steel. The product is almost 5' of cold-rolled heavy gauge steel, with a hard enamel-like white finish. It easily mounts to the inside side of any exterior door frame (door knob side) with 11 heavy gauge, 3.5 inch screws. Installation only takes about 20 minutes on average and can be installed by homeowners with minimal "do-it-yourself" types skills.

Few people realize that there are thousands of home invasions per day in America and even more burglaries. Anyone who has survived a home invasion will tell you that it was one of the most frightening experiences of their life. Since the vast majority of intruders who force their way in come through a door and the vast majority of the time it's the door frame that breaks, it only makes sense to reinforce wooden door frames with a door frame reinforcement product such as the "Door Security Pro Door Security Guard".

On the company's website, there are 3 videos. One shows just how easily a door can be kicked-in. The second one shows how the door can't be kicked in after a "Door Security Pro Door Security Guard" has been installed and the third one shows how to install the product.

Company website: http://www.doorsecuritypro.com

Contact: David Carrington
Tel. 1-877-Door-Out (877-366-7688)
Email: [email protected]


Tags: burglary, door, door frame failure, door frame reinforcement, door security, home, home invasions, home security, kick-in

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David Carrington
Press Contact, Door Security Pro
Door Security Pro
1920 Abrams Parkway #392
Dallas, TX 75214