Homemade Solutions Used as Alternatives to Regular Carpet Cleaning Services

Perchloroethylene is substance added in conventional solutions that are meant for cleaning carpets and is commonly known as perc. These carpet cleaning solutions are in fact a mix of chemicals that can be dangerous.

Perchloroethylene is substance added in conventional solutions that are meant for cleaning carpets and is commonly known as perc. These carpet cleaning solutions are in fact a mix of chemicals that can be dangerous. Ingesting or inhaling perc can lead to nausea, fatigue and dizziness. But, this substance can also affect liver and kidneys, according to CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States).

Naphtalene is a second chemical ingredient that is carcinogen and harmful to the central nervous system of an individual, according to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency in the U.S.). Naphthalene is a solvent made from coal tar and is considered toxic for the human body. The chemicals from carpet cleaning solutions can be released into the air of a room and children can ingest them if they play immediately after a cleaning procedure.

There are more negative effects than the ones that manifest immediate after cleaning, because local groundwater can become polluted when the chemicals are not properly disposed. It is not recommended to dispose them directly into the drain. The only way to cancel the effects of the contaminants in the wastewater is filtering or treating the water.

Using the Services of Eco-Friendly Carpet Cleaning Experts

An increasing level of awareness exists now about the health effects of traditional carpet cleaning solutions. There is a new breed of experts to support new and natural ways of cleaning that could help people avoid the harm caused by dangerous chemicals. Green solutions are based on substances extracted from plants. Different brands already exist and the most common can be: SimpleGreen, Capture, Bi-O-Kleen, NatureClean, AFM SafeChoice, or Seventh Generation.

Before choosing carpet cleaning services, you must know if the services you get are based on natural solutions or not. The great majority of companies who offer such services work locally. Some of them may have already adapted their services and may have implemented green solutions already. You have to ask some questions on the phone before you start using the services of a company. If you don't get a straight answer, maybe it would be better to avoid the company you call, especially if the firm does not have the necessary systems for treating or transporting wastewater in the proper way after a cleaning procedure.

A service provider that uses carbonating cleaning bubbles as a replacement for harsh chemicals for eliminating dirt from carpets is ChemDry, which is a division of Home Depot. The company does not use harmful detergents, enzymes, or solvents and uses just a fraction of the water used by other services. Zoots is another example of a reliable firm that works according to green standards in Northeastern part of the U.S. and the Mid-Atlantic. In 2006, Zoots became one of the top fifty eco-friendly companies in the United States in a top made by Inc. magazine.

Professional Alternative Solutions to Traditional Carpet Cleaning Methods

Eartheasy.com is a green living website declaring that a homemade solution can be used for carpet stains and it is not toxic. It is made of white vinegar and water, both in the same proportions. Such solutions can minimize the requirement for carpet cleaning professionals. The way of using the solution involves the following steps: spraying it onto the stain and sponging it up a little later using warm water combined with soap. For stains that are difficult to remove, an overnight treatment can be used. This treatment involves applying a paste that contains borax, salt and vinegar. In the following morning, vacuuming is required.

If you need more ides, you can get many home solutions for spot cleaning carpets from Sierra Club Canada's Safe Alternatives to Household Hazardous Products.


Tags: carpets design, design rugs, interior, Rugs

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