Hospital Testimonials from Western Canada Endorsing Leading Edge Group

Hospital Testimonials from Western Canada Endorsing Leading Edge Group Lean Facilitation Event with Jane Bishop

"Small steps to get started right away. No waiting" "you guys have actually empowered us" "more in control" "This is stuff we can actually do tomorrow"

Leading Edge Group, the foremost international provider of change management and continuous improvement programmes, recently held a Kaizen Event for four western Canada hospitals led by Senior Healthcare Consultant Jane Bishop. A Kaizen Event is a Lean rapid improvement approach that aims to improve processes by eliminating waste and increasing efficiencies over a short period of time. The event can involve staff at all levels from directors to front line workers.

A selection of testimonials commending Leading Edge Group's facilitation from some of Canada's preeminent hospitals are below:

"It's so good to have something to focus on instead of just running around in a circle. To really understand what you guys are working with (from a nurse). Hope that the work we've done this week can help make it better because it's just frustrating for everyone - they talk about it every day. It's nice now to have a plan (and be on the same page as pharmacy)."

"We have a current process, we have a future plan and we have the steps on how we are going to change it and we are actually going to start Monday to do this. This is stuff we can actually do tomorrow - wow!"

"What I liked the most was actually having the small steps to get started right away. No waiting..."

"You told us we were the experts...the fact that you guys have actually empowered us so that we can actually do this is huge. We're not just going to work and doing what someone else tells us to do (whether it's the right thing or not). We can now all work together!"

"Was great to learn that we all have the same problems and that we have the OK to go and do it and not just talk about it. This at least tells us where to start trying, even if it doesn't work, we can then try something else. We're not just stuck in the same thing."

"Was pretty sceptical that it would do much but I do feel there is hope now and as long as we all keep moving forward and we work on this and then take on the next thing and that we all communicate still. Now feel like we are all on the same team."

"I know that I was doing non-valued added things but to know that it was 18% was pretty disheartening. But even coming up with the SOPs, (I realized) we are all tackling the same problem but we are doing four different things trying to tackle it. We are all one big unit but we always feel so isolated and no one cares what we are doing. But now, from whatever you try, I'll be looking and thinking that I might try that too or learn without having to try that way myself. I'm excited to see how yours turn out."

"I was so burned out yesterday (Day 2) and thought, did I really understand what they were saying (about value) but I'm so happy today. There is a good outcome and hope. It used to be a happy place to work and then it just got frustrating. Now we have the support and I look forward to that and working with the nurses too. Understand it needs to be team work with other disciplines, not just us. "

"It's a great way to approach something and it gives you the tools so you can actually be part of fixing it instead of just being frustrated."

"I believe change is necessary but I was constantly spinning my wheels and I didn't like it and I didn't like my job. But I feel now more in control in that it is up to me to make it better. We've had so many things for us go downhill and it's just nice to know now that even if we don't have a Pharmacist, it's OK."

"Excited for all the change."

About Lean:
Lean is a methodology and set of tools and practices that enables an organisation to better focus on what their customers want and need (value). Lean identifies wastes - activities that do not enhance the customer experience, and provides a means to remove or reduce them. This increases operational effectiveness and efficiency and results in significant cost savings or avoidance for the organisation, as well as greater job satisfaction for everyone working there. Becoming a Lean organisation enables a culture of ongoing continuous improvement, while the application of Lean provides a means to achieve, maintain and sustain a quality service delivery.


Tags: continuous improvement, lean canada, lean healthcare consultant

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Leading Edge Group
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