Hosted Billing Solutions by Nationwide Telecom Inc

Nationwide Telecom Inc. a pioneer in IP technology service provider offering various services like managed partitioning, wholesale & reseller program etc. at cost effective price. We also provide hosted billing solutions to our clients

Technology is a word coined to ease our day to day business problems. With the help of technology we can update our selves, work efficiently, save time, save money and make more profit in order to smoothen business functions. But right use and connection with the technology plays a major role in business growth. If not for a right connection, the whole scenario could be reverse. Nationwide Telecom provides host of solutions to cater all your business telecommunication requirements. Since inception, our constant endeavour is been to bring to you enhanced quality connection, through our VoIP services. We are now taking a step further and providing our Hosted Billing Solutions for all your business needs.

A business runs successfully by minimizing the cost and maximizing the profit. Our state-of-the-art hosted billing solutions are aimed to provide maximum savings. We feel that if the technical part is taken care of, your core idea will receive your maximum attention. To make it more hassle free and less time consuming, we provide you series of options from which you can chose, depending upon your requirement. We provide business as well as residential VoIP services such as IP PBX
IP PBX, hosted IP PBX, IVR solutions, VOIP billing solutions, hosted VoIP billing solutions and Call Centre solutions as well.

Opening an account with us is as simple as obtaining our service, thereafter. One can open an account for a fixed monthly fee and no other investment at the beginning. With the fixed monthly fee, you get all hardware, software, bandwidth and other provisions that are required to start up. At each and every step, our professional would be at your assistance.

We can also assist for VoIP reseller programs and VoIP carrier services across all domains. We specialize in providing you profitable wholesale and reseller programs which can be partly or fully operated by us; totally depending on your requirement and the nature of your business. As we own and operate the switching infrastructure, you would not have to set aside any overheard cost for maintaining it. Our clients have the access to our wholesale network and transit switching with other carriers on the network. We also provide capacity augmentation at a short notice. You can totally rely on us for all your technical telecommunication needs without any investments.

For further details visit us at [url:] [/url] You can also get in touch with us directly through [url:] [/url]
So now leave all your technical requirements on us and your focus can be devoted to the core idea of your business.


Tags: Canada, DID Service Providers, IP Phone service, SIP Origination canada, USA, wholesale origination Canada

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Nationwide Telecom
6000 E. Evans Ave.
Denver, CO 80222