Hot new community site for all-American recipes!

Great food is better when you share it with friends! encourages this idea and invites food-lovers across America to share their favorite recipes with our community!

Juicy burgers, hearty chicken dinners, apple pie with ice cream . . . all-American food is all the rage! That might be why the hottest new launch in the foodie world is, the first recipe-sharing website dedicated exclusively to classic all-American food. Since its launch last year, has snowballed, quickly pulling together a web-based community of cooks who love to share their latest creations and favorite old-time recipes with each other. It's like having all the best foodie blogs under one roof!
If the heart of is its huge number of searchable American recipes, its soul is its community boards, where cooks gather to chat and ask questions about anything and everything in a supportive environment, and its blog function, which lets any registered user create and maintain his or her own foodie blog. The result is a unique online community where food-lovers can interact and share personal opinions, thoughts and ideas. has integrated some of the hottest community features for its users, like:
1. Create your own personal profile to let the community know who you are.
2. Search for and comment on others' recipes.
3. Easy blogging software.
4. Sophisticated and supportive community forums.
Whether you're looking for a version of that trendy avocado-topped burger you had downtown or a recipe for the kind of pot roast your Aunt Ellen used to make, you'll probably find it at Please let me know if you need more info, screen shots, or would like to interview one of's founders.


Tags: american cooking, american cuisines, american recipes


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Marisa de Belloy
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