Hot Reversi HD Ver1.1.0 Has Rolled Out On App Store

It will give us expansion of play by choosing the levels to strengthen the CPU on single player mode.

moak-1 Co., Ltd. Social network digital content division "nenet", an application development team on iPad and iPhone (Ageba-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Pres Kiyoto Futatsugi), announced that the iPad's showcasing board game: HOT REVERSI HD Ver1.1.0 has launched on the 29th of July from App Store, (the price is US$5.99, US$2.99 with campaign price).

HOT REVERSI HD Ver1.1.0, a No.1 board game in Japan after its release on the 10th of June 2010, was released keeping up its game element and reflecting our users' valuable comments, which included being able to choose the challenge level of the CPU player on single player mode.

Main features that have been fulfilled "the first major version up, HOT REVERSI HD 1.1.0" are as follows:
• Strengthen the CPU on single player mode and choose from three levels of the CPU
• Enable and disable the "Marker" option which tells players the next possible move

HOT REVERSI HD ranked in the top 10 (ranked top 5: as of the 16th of June 2010 on App Store) in share game ranking, and won the No.1 position in the share board game ranking of App Store in Japan. The game also won the No.1 reversi position within the App Store in the US, as of the 11th of June 2010. HOT REVERSI HD has drawn the attention of many sites and books relating to iPad applications.

The iPad application: "HOT REVERSI HD" is a reversi game enabling two users an interactive play with dramatic impact such as exhilarating lightening and flames. It is a fun game taking advantage of iPad's unique features unlike other existing board games. One example includes the psychological disruption feature, by pressing the "RED HOT SWITCH" on the right corner of each player's side, the board shakes whilst upsetting the table. We pursue the game element for those who wish to enjoy the reversi game. It offers also an authentic reversi feature disabling the "Marker" option without the flashing lightening and flames.

In celebration of the HOT REVERSI HD Ver1.1.0 release, we are offering `Summer Version Upgrade Campaign`, with a special price at $2.99 just for 2 weeks till the 15th of August. Do not miss out this chance.

Improvement on the ver1.1.0 upgrade
• Enhanced CPU player on single player mode.
• Choose from three levels of CPU strength.
• Enable or disable the "Marker" option which tells a player the next possible move.

The application images and the video regarding HOT REVERSI HD is showing on the following site.

Application information
Application name: HOT REVERSI HD
Version: 1.1.0
User device: iPad
Compatible OS: iOS3.2 and above
Category: Game
Price: US$5.99 (US$2.99 until the 15th of August for `Summer Version Upgrade Campaign`)
Company: moak-1 co., Ltd Social network digital content division "nenet"
App Store:

Inquiries regarding HOT REVERSI HD
Company name: moak-1 co., Ltd Social network digital content division "nenet"
Address: Shinyo building, 2-14 Ageba-cho, Sinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 162-0824
President: Kiyoto Futatsugi
Capital: 10,000,000 JPY
TEL: +81-3-5229-7231 (pilot number)
FAX: +81-3-5229-7241
Contact person: Toru Katsuki, Kazuyuki Funatsuki


Tags: game, iPad, Othello

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Manabu Takahashi
Press Contact, moak-1