How A Good Cholesterol Lowering Diet Could Save Your Life

Individuals everywhere are living in the fear and dread of poor cholesterol levels. The burden is to find an effective cholesterol lowering diet or healthy cholesterol solution. Unfortunately when it comes to cholesterol, someone who is a picture of, is pleased to announce the release of their comprehensive new product, an exciting new publication titled Amazing Cholesterol Solutions.

According to Winfred Jennings of "Individuals everywhere are living in the fear and dread of poor cholesterol levels. The burden is to find an effective cholesterol lowering diet or healthy cholesterol solution. Unfortunately when it comes to cholesterol, someone who is a picture of health may actually be a "picture of stealth heart disease". This is true because cholesterol is a silent killer that may not be apparent."

Amazing Cholesterol Solutions is a 92 page comprehensive resources covering the origins of cholesterol as well as current medications and important factors in choosing a cholesterol lowering diet. Among the many topics covered are:

•What Cholesterol is and why it is important.

•What too high cholesterol can do and treatments that can help you lower your cholesterol.

•What exact steps you can take to live a heart healthy life.

•The secrets that can make healthy cholesterol levels achievable.

•How to speak to your doctor about cholesterol.

•The myths about cholesterol that can affect your health

•What to eat for a healthy heart.

Cholesterol in and of itself, is a natural function of the human body. Every living being requires a certain amount of fat to exist. Like everything in nature, it only becomes a problem when there is an imbalance. Once this transformation takes place, the two types of fat (cholesterol and triglycerides) are packed into vehicles for carrying the fat to the fat cells throughout the body using the bloodstream. These vehicles are called lipoproteins.

There are three types of lipoproteins:

1. Very Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDL)
2. Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL)
3. High Density Lipoproteins (HDL)

Under normal circumstances, the bloodstream does a very efficient job of carrying the LDL and HDL Lipoproteins throughout the body. The medical community used to think that the primary concern was the larger plaques. They thought these posed a greater threat because of their size and that they were more likely to cause a complete blockage of the coronary arteries.

Some recent studies have shown that for every 1 percent drop in cholesterol levels, there is a 2 percent decrease in the risk of a heart attack. Since those original studies, the risk of heart disease stemming from cholesterol has exploded. In 2002 it was estimated that 107 million American adults now have a blood cholesterol level high enough to require medical advice. Unfortunately, the numbers keep rising.

"A lot of people would like to have a better understanding of cholesterol - and how to work in conjunction with their doctors to achieve healthy cholesterol levels, but they can't afford to pay hundreds of dollar for foods or supplements that may not work," according to Jennings. "With this release of Amazing Cholesterol Solutions, everyone can have the tools needed for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels without breaking the bank."

For additional information on the news that is the subject of this release, contact Winfred Jennings or visit "Amazing Cholesterol Solutions" has been released in downloadable format for immediate access.

To view more about Amazing Cholesterol Solutions, you may do so by clicking on the following link:

Winfred Jennings, Author
Amazing Cholesterol Solutions


Tags: cholesterol diet, cholesterol lowering foods, lower cholesterol

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