Humanix Books Release - The Great American Dividend Machine by Bill Spetrino

The Great American Dividend Machine: How an Outsider Became The Undisputed Champ of Wall Street By Bill Spetrino proves that the American Dream is not dead! Read how Bill took $9k - invested it in the stock market and he has been living 100% worry free since he retired at the age of 42 - a millionaire!

 In The Great American Dividend Machine, Bill Spetrino shows how following his own investment philosophy will enable investors to provide for a solid and secure financial future. Bill's strategy is designed to build the optimal, income-generating investment portfolio using the power of dividends has been highly ranked by the reputable Hulbert Financial Digest.

Traders who jump from stock to stock in the hunt for a major Wall Street score lose money or, at best, break even. That’s not an acceptable fate for the retirement nest egg. Instead, true investors trust in The Great America Dividend Machine by taking Spetrino’s proven advice: “Keep investments boring and the rest of life fun and exciting.”

By valuing safety and income above all else, Spetrino guides the reader through the process of unearthing true bargains in the marketplace. Adhering to the author’s model, The Great American Dividend Machine portfolio is made up of mostly large, multinational companies that are involved in diverse businesses.

The companies that pass Spetrino’s rigorous, multi-step vetting process must have a number of key characteristics including:

Resonant brand names

Strong, competitive advantages in their industries

Pristine balance sheets

Capital to help survive and thrive in difficult markets

For more than two decades, Bill Spetrino has shared his investment advice with newsletter readers, enabling them to build their own Dividend Machines, which deliver dependable, growing income for life, and in this book, he guides readers through his unique approach to investing in stocks.

About The Author:

Bill Spetrino is the editor of Newsmax’s advisory service, The Dividend Machine. Bill’s goal is to show average investors how they can generate a substantial monthly income by investing in high-quality dividend-paying companies. Over the years Spetrino has studied the philosophies of some of the world’s greatest investors, including Warren Buffett and Sir John Templeton. By learning, and then implementing the lessons of these investing masters, he has been able to build a truly impressive investment portfolio of his own. Spetrino brings you all of his knowledge and experience, identifying the strongest dividend-paying companies in the financial world. He shares this information so that others may enjoy the immense investing success he has experienced over the past 20 years.

About the Publisher:

The Great American Dividend Machine is published by Humanix Books. Publication date: January 27th, 2015. ISBN: 9781630060343 in Hardcover for $24.95 and in E-book: 9781630060336 for $12.99. Copies are available from the publisher, Midpoint Trade, Barnes & Noble, Amazon and major independent book stores.

Contact:  Gina Sinnett, Humanix Books, 561-459-5997;                                            [email protected]


Tags: Dividends, Investing, Personal Finance, Retirement, Savings, Stocks

Gina Sinnett
Marketing and Publicity Manager, Humanix Books