How Can a Woman Spot a Player Before She Gets Played?
Online, August 10, 2013 ( - In this edition of Ask Dr. Love Radio Show, Dr. Jamie Turndorf discusses the emotional danger of placing the cart before the emotional horse. Doing so puts a woman at risk of becoming attached to someone who is a player or simply not a good fit. This practice also places a woman at risk of driving a man away.
As Dr. Turndorf explains, "Many women fall into the trap of thinking that physical intimacy is the way to forge an emotional attachment with a man. But nothing could be farther from the truth. By not being discerning, a woman can actually destroy her chances of forming a relationship. This is because men are biologically driven to choose a partner who they think of as top drawer. There's a built-in drive to choose the most desirable mates to insure healthy offspring. So, when a woman behaves in a way that signals lack of selectivity, she is easily misread as hungry, needy or desperate, which signals that she isn't desirable and poisons her chances of forming a relationship with the object of her desire."
Tune in to find out why practicing self-love by setting boundaries for oneself is the key to forming a solid relationship. It is precisely during this time of waiting and watching that a woman is supposed to assess her prospective partner's capacity to form a relationship and evaluate whether compatibility exists.
Magically, treating oneself with respect and setting boundaries that give a woman time to evaluate a potential partner will not only protect her from emotional harm but also signal the necessary discernment that is needed to spark a man's interest in her for more than a roll in the hay.
Tune in for what promises to be a very hot show!
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Hosted on, AskDrLove with Dr. Jamie Turndorf, is a live one-hour Internet radio program airing at 1pm (EST) every Tuesday afternoon. Listeners can also call-in to the show and ask Dr. Turndorf for advice on any of their personal issues. Archived shows are available on,,, and iTunes.
Dr. Jamie Turndorf is a popular relationship expert and couples therapist, author, and radio show host known to millions around the world as the creator of, the Web's first free relationship advice site originally launched in 1996. now offers thousands of advice articles on every imaginable relationship, marriage, or dating advice question. You can follow Dr. Turndorf on Facebook and on Twitter @askdrlove.
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Dr. Tundorf's advice and methods will bring greater romance and intimacy into your love life, so be sure to tune in or call in to the Ask Dr Love radio show and get help from one of today's top relationship experts. As Dr. Turndorf says, "Knowledge Is Your Key To Happy Relationships!"
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Tags: AskDrLove, attraction, Dating, dr jamie turndorf, dr love, emotional boundaries, emotions, physical intimancy, relationship advice