How Does Your Psychological Health Measure Up? Tune In To Ask Dr Love Radio And Get Your Score!
Online, July 24, 2012 ( - Dr. Jamie Turndorf will be presenting "Is Your Psychological Health in Ship Shape?" on her next live Ask Dr. Love Radio show. In this show, she'll be offering a sneak preview of her free Personality Profile test, which assesses how healthy your psyche is.
As Dr. Turndorf says, "You can't be physically healthy or enjoy healthy relationships when your own psychological health isn't tip-top. But the fact is that most people don't visit the doctor until they are sick, and the same is true with their mental health: they don't go to a shrink until they're already deep in the emotional ditch because they're afraid of what they might find.This is what's called an avoidance defense mechanism, and it explains why millions of people drag their psychological warts and scars to the grave. But how tragic to miss out on the chance to live life fully, basking in the joy that life and love is meant to bring! Isn't it time that you experienced the joy that comes from shedding all the heavy baggage--the Old Scars from childhood--that weigh you down and destroy your life, your productivity and your relationships?"
In fact, research shows that emotional issues make us physically sick, ruin our relationships and shorten our life spans. This means that the healthier you are emotionally, the happier and healthier your life and relationships are going to be.
So join Dr. Turndorf to receive your own psychological check-up this July 17th, at 9pm, on Ask Dr Love Radio. She promises that it's painless and doesn't involve any rubber gloves or needles!
Hosted on, AskDrLove Radio is a one hour program starting at 9pm (EST) every Tuesday night. You can also call-in to the show and ask to Dr. Turndorf for advice on any of your personal issues. Tune in regularly to Ask Dr Love Radio at You can find archived shows on BlogTalkRadio as well as iTunes.
Dr. Jamie Turndorf is a renowned author, media personality, relationship expert, and creator of, the Web's most popular relationship advice site since 1996, which now boasts thousands of articles on every imaginable relationship, dating, or sex advice question. You can follow Dr. Turndorf at and on Twitter @askdrlove.
Dr. Tundorf's advice and methods will improve your love and sex life whether or not you're having problems -- but if you are -- be sure to tune in and even call in to Ask Dr Love Radio and get help from one of today's top relationship experts. As Dr. Turndorf says, "Knowledge Is The Key To Happy Relationships!"
Tags: ask dr love, dr jamie turndorf, personality profile, personality test, psychological profile, psychotherapy