How Low Is Low For The Uninsured - Department Of Health And Human Services
Online, September 20, 2013 ( - Under the Affordable Care Act, advanced payment of the premium tax credits will be made available for eligible individuals and families to afford insurance coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Start on January 1, 2014, states may expand Medicaid eligibility for low-income adults. Currently there are 41.3 million eligible uninsured Americans that are expanding Medicaid, a total of 23.2 million people, or 56 percent of the 41.3 million eligible uninsured, may qualify for Medicaid, CHIP, or tax credits to purchase coverage for $100 or less per person per month. If all states expanded their Medicaid programs, 78 percent of the 41.3 million eligible uninsured, or 32.1 million people, would qualify for Medicaid, CHIP, or tax credits to purchase coverage for $100 or less. Marketplace eligible is defined as the eligible uninsured with incomes above 138% of the Federal Poverty Level in Medicaid expansion states or above 100% of the Federal Poverty Level in non-expansion states. These estimates do not take into account the requirements relating to other minimum essential coverage or tax filing requirements.
2013 Philadelphia Healthcare Reform Expo & Summit will be a historic meeting of providers, public servants and private industry. A percentage of the proceeds from the Summit will be donated to the community. The Healthcare Expo is formulated to educate individuals, employees, businesses and healthcare professionals about the Patient Accountability and Affordable Care Act. The following professionals will be participating: Healthcare Professionals - Physicians, Care Providers & Administrators; Top-level researchers & members of the scientific community; Pharmaceutical executives and representatives and executives and representatives from the health care system.We hope to open ongoing dialogue that will bridge the divide between the perceptions and realities that will soon impact healthcare, a situation complicated by social-economic and environmental factors. While employer mandate may have been delayed , other changes under the Patient Accountability and Affordable Care Act could be critical to your understanding. The mission of the Summit is to provide a venue for forming partnerships that will actively inform and change health behaviors from reactive to proactive and move healthcare delivery from acute to preventative. The Summit will focus on understanding the new laws and how each demographic can make the best decisions on managing healthcare costs.
Tags: affordable healthcare act, healthcare exchanges, obama healthcare reform