How The Models Of The Remington Hair Dryers Make Hair Drying A Cinch

You get out of the shower, towel dry your hair and decide you'd rather have it blown dried. You reach into the drawer for your hair dryer. If you're like most folks, you've probably bought a Remington hair dryer. After all, Remington hair dryer, a ve

The majority of hair dryer reviews display the amazing features that are found on a full sized Remington hair dryer these days. Only a few picked up the smaller sized All That Dryer, thanks to its many features which make it a really compact package hair jewel. Whether you are searching for a dryer that is small enough to fit into a tight space in your home or to tuck into a bag and travel around with, this is one you should definitely consider.

From basic outward appearances, the Remington All That hair dryer is your typical travel sized dryer in a bright, attractive red and black design. It is lightweight and compact enough to slip into any bag or hang in a small area of a tight bathroom. It is also available at a very low price, often found for less than twenty bucks. So what is so remarkable about this little hair accessory, and why is it truly worthy of attention from hair dryer reviewers?

What makes it stand out is the extraordinary amount of heat and power packed into one little dryer. If you have ever used a travel sized dryer, you know that they often do not blow very hot and can burn up and quit working quite easily. The Remington All That ionic hair dryer has 1875 watts of power, just like many of the best full sized models from this manufacturer. It has three heat settings and two speeds, with the highest heat almost being too intense to use for most people. That is a lot of power and heat for one little travel sized dryer!

Also like many full sized dryers, it has two speed and three heat options. The filter removes for simple cleaning out, preventing it from getting clogged and burning out quickly.

The only possible drawbacks to this Remington hair dryer is that it has a six foot cord and does not have the cool shot button often found on full sized dryers. Most people can live without the cool shot, especially if this will be used as a travel dryer and not on a daily basis. The cord length can also be worked around, as many full sized dryers have the same length. Overall, these are very small downfalls in comparison to the excellent quality in such a small package.


Tags: beauty, best hair dryer, hair dryer reviews, remington hair dryer

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