How to Become a Pastry Champion? Interview of Patrick Casula for the International Project «Food & Chef».
Online, August 29, 2013 ( - The desire for his future work Patrick Casula felt in 14 years when he realized that he wanted to explore, discover and learn his forces in gastronomic terms.
Great importance in the development of the chef played a selection of the correct ingredients and a good product. "You shouldn't waste your time on trifles. All that you do, you need to do until the end "- said Patrick.
The creative atmosphere, the possibility to share his knowledge, new ideas and developments - that's what inspires the culinary arts champion. He emphasizes that it is important to have not only the talent, but also to work a lot and to be able to adapt to any environment in order to do the job well.
Patrick not only knows how to cook the most delicious and tasty dishes, but also he teaches and travels with performances all over the world. He is always open to people and knows how to quickly reach out to the people with whom he will work.
The answer to the question "What do you need to be happy?" is very simple: "You need love your job and people, enjoy those meetings that brings us life," - says Patrick - "I became Pastry World Champion due to the ability to give myself to the work. You must always allow yourself to go beyond the frames that seem to you insurmountable".
The only way to become successful in the business, according to the chef's opinion, is to have a passion for what you do. You need constantly go to the end and only then you could pick up to incredible heights. "You should be in your business all the time if you want to find the correct direction of all the undertakings".
The full interview Patrick Casula is on the site of the project "Food & Chef"
International project Food & Chef acquaints you with chefs, the real creators. With people who created the beautiful dishes for you in your loving restaurants. In this project you may see recipes from star chefs with their story of life.
Tags: Chef, food, Food&Chef, restaurant