How to Choose Right Pearl Jewellery for Young Girls

Pearl jewellery given to a young girl shows that now she has matured enough to be wearing anything so precious.

Pearls are one of the most desired gems for women. Jewellery pieces made from pearls are not just liked and worn by elderly women of the society, but are also preferred by the younger generation. Pearl jewellery pieces is one of the most precious gift a girl could have from his parents or peers on her sixteenth birthday.

Therefore, many parents and friends prefer buying this gem for their young girls, as it signifies many things. Pearl jewellery given to a young girl shows that now she has matured enough to be wearing anything so precious. Moreover, it also shows the love, concern and care of the person giving the gift. However, it often becomes a difficult task for parents to choose the right pearl piece for their young daughter because there is huge variety of pearl available in the market like the freshwater pearls, Akoya pearls and Tahitian pearls. Therefore, here are some tips that might guide the parents in buying right pearl jewellery for their young girls.

• Consider the budget: Before, buying a jewellery gift for the young girls, the first thing that should be considered is the budget. It is recommendable that expensive jewellery pieces should be avoided while buying for young girls because they still need some years to get matured enough to take care of their precious things. Therefore, the best pearl for such occasion are the freshwater pearl, which are as exquisite as any other pearl, but lower in prices.

• Color of the pearls: While buying a pearl gift for young girls the skin tone and the color of the pearl should be considered. If the young girl has lighter and smooth complexion, then round, oval, smooth pearls with pink, white, purple and green colors are the best choice. However, if the skins tone of girl is on darker side, then parents or friends should choose white pearls with silver luster in them.

• Size of the pearls: Along with budget, color, the size of the pearl also matter while selecting a gift for young girls. Pearl are available in wide range of sizes, therefore, depending upon the personality and jewellery pieces the size of the gem should be selected wisely. For younger girls it is always better to choose small pearl pieces, as they impact elegance to their growing personality. Larger pearl jewellery pieces often create the impression of elder ladies, which surely younger girls don't want to have.

• Type of jewellery: There are many options, when it comes to jewellery pieces. Parents can buy pearl earrings, necklaces or bracelets for their princes to show their affection and care. However, according to experts, the best gift for young girls is the pearl earnings and bracelets as they are easily handled and worn by them on every occasion.

It is not important that these tips should be followed for buying birthday gifts only, parents can also consider these tips while buying Christmas presents for their daughters or younger peers.


Tags: freshwater pearl, Pearl Jewellery, Pearl Necklace

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