How to Generate Backlinks with the Help of Web Directories
Online, May 30, 2010 ( - Thunder Bay, Canada 05.30.2010 - The term internet marketing is facing a great revolution these days. In order to optimize the site, it is very necessary to generate backlinks. These are very important to attract major search engines as it takes into account the number of backlinks to its search results algorithm. In other words, backlinks are the soul of Search Engine Optimization.
There are many ways to generate backlinks. One such way is to submit links to web directory. Web directories are collection of sites that allows the webmasters to submit their site. Thus, it increases the sites' exposure and page rank. When you submit your website name and link to the site, it makes up backlink. In turn, it increases page rank according to the inbound links.
Submitting links to Article directory site, web directories, social book marking sites and classified ads sites will also helps you to get better results on page rank. Web directory sites like allows you to submit links thus by generating traffic to your site. In this site, you can find the top category listed. It makes your navigation very easy. You get a direct option to submit link and to submit articles. Latest links and articles posted by the webmasters are also available from the site. They even have a page that lists up the top hits websites that are reviewed and approved by the reviewers.
If you are then one who owns a website and trying to optimize it, then web directory is for you. You can submit your website details and generate traffic that makes the Search Engines notice you and give you higher page rank.
ActiveServ Co runs its official website It is a web directory site that allows webmasters to submit links. Dr AxeMan Web developed this site that gives open access to all users to generate backlinks and get attention of major search engines. Keeping an eye on your link will always add up the result.
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Tags: backlinks, Submit link, web directory