How to Grow Your Private Label Business Despite COVID-19 With Private Label Express

South Florida-based nutraceutical manufacturer Private Label Express explains how it has helped its customers make 2020 their most successful year ever.

Private Label Express Supports U.S. Business Owners Despite COVID-19

Private Label Express has used experience, forward-thinking, investment, and technology to become the type of supplier that brands depend on - not just to survive but to accelerate their sales and growth.

"We have built a company that is perfectly positioned to maximize the growth of any e-commerce brand that works with us, and we have demonstrated our true capability over the last two quarters during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through our support, our clients have experienced compounding success, massive revenue growth, and increased brand identity in just a few months," says Robert De Lima, founder and CEO of Private Label Express.

E-commerce has become an exciting industry, especially this year. However, as companies have seen, most suppliers have not been able to produce and ship products in a timely manner. This caused product shortages, loss of sales, and customer frustration. During the height of the pandemic, many companies have experienced shipping and storage issues, lack of raw materials, order delays, and out-of-stock products. This was especially true for cleaning supplies and immune-support products.

"Private Label Express was one of the few companies that was able to not only meet the increased demand of their existing customers but was also able to supply many other brands in need. How many companies do you know that could triple capacity and production output with two weeks' notice without a single delay or hiccup? That is exactly what we did, and our customers thank us up to this day for our planning, dedication, and regard for their success," De Lima continues.

As COVID-19 continues to spike and the holiday season, weight-loss season, and flu seasons are on the horizon, most e-commerce suppliers and manufacturers are not ready to support the brands that rely on them, and it is now too late. However, Private Label Express started preparing in the second quarter. "We have made additional investments in warehousing, advanced equipment, office space, raw materials, technology, and are continuing to expand our workforce with top-level talent." 

Available capital, an eye for future innovation, world-class customer experience, and intense focus is a big part of the secret to Private Label Express' success. We bring these considerable assets to bear for all of our esteemed clients. Our objective is to power the brands that will change the industry.

Find out more about Private Label Express at and

Source: Private Label Express


Tags: business, coronavirus, covid19, dietary supplements, drop shipping, ecommerce industry, health supplements, manufacturing, manufacturing USA, Private Label Express, Robert De Lima