How to JumpStart Global Trade & Create Jobs

eZ-Xpo offers secret tips on how business organizations such as export trading companies, Chamber of Commerce, and Business Associations to jumpstart global trade with virtual collaborative network with virtual trade show, and virtual training capability for prosperity and sustainable job creation in every city.

As we can learn from Uber success, every industry can be disrupted with a new innovative model that can break down all barriers to connect and collaborate with over 80% reduction in time and cost savings.

Today’s global trade is extremely challenging for local business and startups because it requires global trade connection and knowledge how to make that happen. Imagine you are a startup or local business with a cool product to export,  you would like to find a good distributor to resell your product. Currently, you can sign up for a physical Trade Mission to find a distributor for specific country or a group of countries. Trade mission is an international trip by government officials or business organizations to explore potential global business opportunities overseas for buyers and joint ventures/channel partners.

"I am super-excited to partner with eZ-Xpo to empower all the CEOs to connect, collaborate, and promote all their products/services 24/7 with constant engagement, and collaboration for unlimited joint venture opportunities. Together with eZ-Xpo, we will revolutionize how we network and make deals virtually anytime, anywhere!" - KEVIN DUNN, CEO OF THE CEO CLUB OF AMERICA

But, a typical cost of physical trade mission ranges from $5000 to over $20,000 per trip. It does not guarantee that you have a buyer or distributor.  How many startups or local business can afford that?? Probably not too many.
What if you have a “Global Facilitator” that helps promote your products/services and participate in a physical trade mission for a fraction of the physical costs?

A Global Facilitator is an organization that organizes a physical or/and virtual trade mission for businesses to explore global business opportunities and joint ventures. Many organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce or Business Associations can easily take the role of “Global Facilitator” as they would like to help promote their members’ products/services for exports.
Just like what Uber has disrupted the taxi industry for high barrier to entry by matching both riders and drivers together, we can disrupt the global grade industry by creating a “Global Facilitator” channel that leverages Virtual Expo Network technologies as a match maker to bring both exporters and importers together.   

Instead of having one company to pay the full physical trade mission costs, the “Global Facilitator” can leverage the economy of scale and participate in both physical and virtual trade mission and be able to capitalize on it from selling virtual booths to many exhibitors (i.e., local business, startups).

To find out how to jumpstart global trade with ongoing collaboration and engagement for daily qualified leads with prospects and partners for a long-term sustainable global prosperity, please go to JumpStart Global Trade.


Tags: global trade, lead generation, online trade show, trade fair, virtual trade show

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eZ-Xpo helps business connect, collaborate, and promote through networks of virtual expo marketplaces for constant lead generation and collaboration. Organizations can host multiple virtual expos across multiple locations virtually anytime anywhere.

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