How To Unlock The Full Potential Of Shopper Marketing
Online, April 4, 2011 ( - Understanding and influencing shopper behaviour has become an essential priority for retailers and suppliers in today's economic and competitive environment. Shopper Marketing is the tool to accomplish this. The "Consumer & Shopper Journey insight model" from ECR Europe is the new engine for innovative value creation between retailers and suppliers of any size and level of sophistication.
Emnos and The Partnering Group (TPG), working in collaboration with ECR Europe and a group of senior executives from the retail and consumer goods industry, have led the development of an integrated solution to deliver the benefits of Shopper Marketing. This is the Consumer & Shopper Journey Framework. "The next wave in the evolution of retail marketing is Shopper Marketing driven off of a foundation of integrated consumer and shopper insights. The Consumer & Shopper Journey Framework provides the foundation model and tools for delivering on this promise", says Thierry Afrigan, Carrefour's Global Customer Marketing Director. On the supplier side, Paolo Zazzi - Barilla's Senior Manager for Customer Marketing - believes that the "rapid changes in people behaviour require deep comprehension on the Consumer & Shopper Journey. Only leveraging on those insights we could upgrade our marketing propositions by addressing target shoppers and developing relevant shopping solutions."
The new Consumer & Shopper Journey Framework will be published as a digital "Blue Book" and made available to the industry starting with the ECR Europe Conference & Marketplace in Brussels on 5-6 April. It will be featured in a special plenary session and two breakout workshops that Emnos and TPG will lead together with major industry representatives. The workshops will explain the Consumer & Shopper Journey Framework and introduce how retailers and suppliers can begin to use it in the most practical way.
Digital copies of the C&S J Framework will be available at the Emnos and TPG Stand in the Innovation Circle at the Conference. Members of the Emnos and TPG project team will be available to discuss any questions regarding the use of the C&SJ Framework.
Conference and Session Details:
Place: 2011 ECR Europe Conference & Marketplace,
Square Meeting Center, Brussels, Belgium
Break Out Session 2.2 - The Consumer und Shopper Journey:
5th April 2011; 5 p.m. to 5:45 p.m; Silver Hall
Break Out Session 3.2 - Innovative Value Creation from Consumer and Shopper Journey Insights: 6th April 2011; 9 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.; Silver Hall
Emnos Chains - Access to Real Insights into Shopper Behaviour: 6th April 2011, 1:05 p.m. until 1:20 p.m.; Briefing Session Stage
About the ECR Blue Book: The Consumer & Shopper Journey Framework
The Consumer & Shopper Journey Framework guides the search for new and practical insights into consumer and shopper needs and behaviours, it provides a collaborative business process for merging and leveraging the insights of retailers and suppliers and defines the set of tools for deploying the programs developed from this process. Most importantly, the Framework has been designed to provide benefits to retailers and suppliers regardless of size or level of resources.
Tags: consumer, customer-centric, ECR