How Understanding Creates Longstanding Love

In this episode of Ask Dr. Love radio, Dr. Jamie Turndorf discusses the link between Partial Identification, the skill that enables us to empathize with others, and relationship success.

Happy couples are happy because they know how to enter each other's emotional realities and see the world from each other's vantage point.

The technical name for this skill is Partial Identification. What this skill entails is keeping one foot on one's own side of the emotional fence while at the same time stepping into another's emotional shoes.

No relationship can thrive without this skill.

Unfortunately, in distressed relationships, partners never Partially Identify with each other; instead, they ram their individual realities down each other's throats...which leads to ringing each other's necks!

Because Partial Identification is the master key to heading off fights--and creating a solid bond--it's vital to learn how to master this skill, which also happens to improve all our relationships with friends, family, kids and co-workers.

Hosted on, AskDrLove with Dr. Jamie Turndorf, is a live one hour Internet radio program airing at 1pm (EST) every Tuesday afternoon. Listeners can also call-in at 888-463-6748 to the show and ask Dr. Turndorf for advice on any of their personal issues. Archived shows are available on,,, and iTunes.

Dr. Jamie Turndorf is a popular relationship expert and couples therapist, author, and radio show host known to millions around the world as the creator of, the Web's first free relationship advice site originally launched in 1996. now offers thousands of advice articles on every imaginable relationship, marriage, dating advice question. You can follow Dr. Turndorf on Facebook and on Twitter @askdrlove.

Dr. Tundorf's advice and methods will bring greater romance and intimacy into your love life, so be sure to tune in or call in to the Ask Dr Love radio show and get help from one of today's top relationship experts. As Dr. Turndorf says, "Knowledge Is Your Key To Happy Relationships!"


Tags: ask drlove, better romance tips, dating guide, dr jamie turndorf, happy relationships, Marriage Help, mindfulness, relationship advice, relationship help


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