How Well Is the Status of Your Outsourcing Relationship? - Towards a Continuous Monitoring of the True (Out-)Sourcing Relationship Quality

pliXos is expanding its technology base for sourcing lifecycle management. A key part of this expansion is the new "(Out-)Sourcing Relationship Tracker - ORT" project, in close collaboration with the University of Bamberg.

What are the objectives?

The overall goal of this project is to create a scientifically grounded, multi-dimensional instru-ment for measuring relationship quality. Today, the monitoring of sourcing arrangements does often only focus on the "hard facts" (cost, timelines etc.) while considering the social dynamics is nearly always neglected. But, poor communication quality, lacking openness or insufficient in-formation transfer often cause serious problems, in the long run, and thus should be used as early warning indicators for deteriorating sourcing performance. The (Out-)Sourcing Relationship Tracker will collect data from the interaction between vendor and client staff and thus allow for a transparent and holistic monitoring of the sourcing relationship over time, both for single sourcing arrangements and overall multi-sourcing portfolios. Building on thoroughly conducted scientific analyses the new system will complement pliXos´ Global Sourcing Platform.

What's new?

Two specific features make the Sourcing Relationship Tracker different from existing solutions:

(1) The focus of monitoring is shifted from the relatively easily measurable and accessible, technically oriented performance indicators, such as service quality, to the essential characteristics of good relationship quality, like, e.g., trust, mutual understanding and communication quality. In addition, key drivers of relationship quality like knowledge transfer mechanisms will be assessed. Following this approach is expected to solve the well-known problem of "everything is green but we are still dissatisfied".

(2) A minimum of time-consuming user surveys: Until now, data for measuring soft aspects of relationship quality had to be collected via online or offline polls from the involved staff and managers at client- and vendor-side. The (Out-)Sourcing Relationship Tracker will come with collector modules that enable relationship quality monitoring using, e.g., social network analysis and sentiment analysis, thus minimizing the need for user sur-veys. Ultimately, a well-defined mix of different measurement tools is set to comprehen-sively examine and present all relevant dimensions of relationship quality.
Status of the research project

As of today, the objectives and work packages for the remainder of the project have been defined in detail. Furthermore, based on many years of academic outsourcing research a comprehensive model of the potential dimensions and indicators of relationship quality and its drivers has been developed. Current solutions from industry were examined to identify the extent to which these approaches include relationship quality. It was found that existing industry solutions rather focus on performance indicators than on the underlying relationship quality where problems might become apparent much earlier. Next, the project, will define the optimal cockpit for tracking relationship quality. Subsequently, specific measurement instruments will be developed, and finally tested and evaluated with selected pilot partners.

The further development will include early evaluations in the industry which will give important fresh stimuli to the design of the (Out-)Sourcing Relationship Tracker. Pilot partners will receive early results and have the chance to proactively monitor and improve their sourcing relationship quality.

Do you have any questions? Are you interested in being part of this project as a partner or pilot customer? Do not hesitate to contact us: [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].


Tags: IT, outsourcing, quality, relationship, research, tool, VENDOR

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