HR Solutions, Inc. Announces H1N1 Toolkit

HR Solutions is excited to announce its offering of the H1N1 Toolkit, which can assist organizations in communicating important information related to the epidemic to all employees.

Chicago, IL, November 24, 2009 - A recent online poll conducted by HR Solutions, Inc. revealed that more people have found workplace distraction due to the H1N1 virus than they have due to many other significant events this year, such as Michael Jackson's death or when Obama became President. In light of these poll results, HR Solutions is excited to announce its offering of the H1N1 Toolkit, which can help organizations to reduce distractions at work caused by the virus.

HR Solutions' H1N1 Toolkit consists of presentation templates that have been created based upon extensive health research and workplace safety data. The slideshows share detailed information on significant topics such as ways to prevent H1N1, important symptoms to watch out for, and how all of this should be handled in a work setting. The templates leave room for organizations to tailor presentations to their own environment, leaving leadership teams with a personalized way of reaching out to employees regarding the epidemic.

In events such as the H1N1 spread, which leave employees distracted, communication is key. According to HR Solutions' National Normative Database, only 66 percent of employees think the safety of employees is adequately protected by their organization's present security system. Leadership teams must ensure they are creating a work environment where employees clearly understand that there is some sort of system in place to protect their health and safety; shortly thereafter, distractions due to worries will lessen and productivity will ensue.

For more information about HR Solutions' H1N1 Toolkit offerings, or regarding our online poll, please contact Ashley Nuese, at 312-863-6151.


HR Solutions' National Normative Database is comprised of over 3.3 million employees from 2,400 organizations.


Tags: Communication, Employees, H1N1, H1N1 Virus, HR Solutions, swine flu

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Ashley Nuese
Press Contact, HR Solutions, Inc.
HR Solutions, Inc.
25 E. Washington St., Suite 600 Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL 60602