Human Resources, Inc. gets PEO's ESAC Accreditation Status

Human Resources, Inc has successfully completed its verification process required for ongoing maintenance of its Employer Services Assurance Corporation (ESAC) accreditation.

St. Petersburg, Fla. - We're pleased to inform representatives of Rapid Web Services, LLC that Human Resources, Inc. has successfully completed its verification process required for ongoing maintenance of its ESAC accreditation. You can view this company's current accreditation certificate from the following link:
ESAC is the nationally recognized financial assurance, standard-setting and monitoring entity for the PEO industry. ESAC's verification process confirms that your PEO is meeting ESAC's ethical, financial and operational standards including an independent CPA's quarterly verification of the timely and accurate payment of payroll taxes, employee benefit contributions and insurance premiums.
The performance of key employer responsibilities by Human Resources, Inc. is monitored quarterly by ESAC and, according to the terms of your Client Participation Certificate, is backed by bonds providing financial assurance to the PEO's clients, worksite employees, insurers and regulatory authorities. Your PEO's accreditation demonstrates its commitment to protecting its clients, employees, insurers and taxing authorities and to promoting a high level of integrity and responsibility within the PEO industry.
You may confirm the accreditation status of Human Resources, Inc. at any time by clicking the "verify" link from ESAC's website at
Congratulations on this valuable benefit of your affiliation with an ESAC-accredited PEO!
About Human Resources, Inc: The Human Resource Management Company Providing Human Resource Management Service, PEO Insurance, Payroll Management, Retirement Planning Service in Florida and Georgia. Visit to learn more


Tags: HR Management Services, Human Resource Management Servi, Human Resource Management Compan, human resources, Payroll Accounting Service, Payroll Bookkeeping Services, Payroll Management Service, Retirement Planning Service Flor

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