Hurricane Repairs Can Lead to Fines and Violations

Unlicensed contractors fail to pull required permits for repairs logo

In the wake of Hurricane Irma, warns that unlicensed contractors race to complete repairs throughout South Florida without permits or inspections. Homeowners remain unaware of building department requirements or incorrectly assume that they are waived during catastrophic events.

"Homeowners get taken advantage of during these times and end up with fines, having to do the repairs over again with permits and additional costs," said Orlando Lamas R.A., President and CEO of Studio Lamas Architects and Three County Construction.

Homeowners get taken advantage of during these times and end up with fines, having to do the repairs over again with permits and additional costs.

Orlando Lamas, R.A. LEED AP, CEO serves as a one-stop-shop for correcting building code violations from Permits to Plans to Construction in the Miami, Orlando and Tampa area. The majority of the firm's work is a result of unpermitted work performed by unlicensed contractors. Property owners are often unaware that permits are not pulled for their work or that the contractor is not qualified or insured.

Building Departments throughout the state are initially overwhelmed following storms like Irma but as clean-up efforts are completed they will start to focus on Code Enforcement.

Plans – Permits - Construction

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Orlando Lamas, R.A. LEED AP at 305.222.7784 or email at



Tags: building permits, code compliance, code violations, hurricane repairs