I Am Happy Project Announces "Global Happiness Summit" 10-10-10

The first annual Global Happiness Summit will be held on Saturday, October 9, and Sunday October 10, 2010. We invite you to be part of this wonderful event in support of our theme: "Raising the Level of Happiness in the World". It will be Educational

San Francisco, CA The Venue will be at the USS-Hornet, and American treasure that participated in the Apollo space mission. Step into history in Neil Armstrong's footsteps, ride the flight simulator or just relax and soak in the breathtaking views of the San Francisco bay.

The USS-Hornet is just 20 minutes from San Francisco at 707 W. Hornet Ave Pier 3, Alameda California. What a unforgettable experience!

Like many adherents of belief systems such as the Law of Attraction popularize by such books as The Secret, Edebiri believes that whatever we focus on grows. The mission of the I Am Happy Project (http://www.globalhappinesssummit.org) is to spread happiness globally one person at a time. Happiness is defined as: "a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment satisfaction, pleasure or joy. Happiness comes from deep within, and not from people, situations or circumstances."

The I Am Happy Project is a non-profit charitable organization which began early 2009 by Edwin Edebiri. During a time when disasters, recession and depression are spreading he wanted to encourage people to shift focus on the things that really matters, such as faith, family and friends. Our project will be apart of the National Make A Difference Day that is in sponsored by USA Weekend. Make A Difference Day is the most encompassing National Day of helping others and we are proud to celebrate it 10/10/10 and on the 27th a Viral Global Campaign.

You can be an essential part of this process by attending the Summit, sponsoring part of the evening, and/or contributing an auction item. It will be a great event, reminding us that we are truly blessed and can reach out to help others, around the world.

According to Researchers from Harvard Medical School and the University of California, San Diego

When an individual becomes happy, the network effect can be measured up to three degrees. One person's happiness (http://www.globalhappinesssummit.org) triggers a chain reaction that benefits not only his friends, but his friends' friends, and his friends' friends' friends. The effect lasts for up to one year."

To register and for more information http://www.globalhappinesssummit.org

Sponsor in part by Business Growth Experts LLC and Partnership Investment Company Plc



Tags: attraction, Edwin Edebiri, Global Happiness Index, gratitude, happiness, healthy, I am happy project, joy, success, thanks

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Edwin Edebiri
Press Contact, Global Happiness Summit
Global Happiness Summit
P. O. Box 1271
Corning, CA 96021