I.B.I.S., Inc. Earns "Certified for Microsoft Dynamics" Reseller Status for Advanced Manufacturing for Microsoft Dynamics AX Solution

I.B.I.S., Inc. is pleased to announce that the company is a Certified for Microsoft Dynamics (CfMD) Reseller for Advanced Manufacturing Software for Microsoft Dynamics AX.

I.B.I.S., Inc. is pleased to announce that the company is a Certified for Microsoft Dynamics (CfMD) Reseller for Advanced Manufacturing Software for Microsoft Dynamics AX. CfMD means that I.B.I.S. is a Microsoft Dynamics partner whose software solution has met Microsoft Corporation's highest standard for partner developed solutions to deliver comprehensive business systems.

Solutions that are "Certified for Microsoft Dynamics" have demonstrated quality and compatibility with the Microsoft Dynamics product on which they run by passing rigorous VeriTest (a service of Lionbridge) testing for Microsoft Dynamics. In addition, Microsoft Dynamics partners who qualify for this status need to be a Certified Partner in the Microsoft Partner Program and provide examples of clients who are successfully using the certified solution and are willing to recommend it. By successfully meeting all requirements, I.B.I.S. can now offer Advanced Manufacturing Software with the distinct Certified for Microsoft Dynamics logo.

Certified for Microsoft Dynamics accreditation gives Manufacturers the proof they need to know they are getting a top tier product from a very reliable source. Certified solutions are designed to meet unique business and industry needs, tested and seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Dynamics products that are used and recommended by other companies.

CfMD solutions complement the Microsoft Dynamics core products to fulfill manufacturing industry-specific needs of clients with trusted, lower-risk solutions for faster implementation and simpler maintenance. "Manufacturing organizations face numerous challenges in today's rapidly changing market including the impact of evolving technology," said Andy Vabulas, I.B.I.S. Chief Executive Officer. "I.B.I.S. is helping today's manufacturers by offering business solutions that meet these needs with minimized risk and lowered total cost of ownership."

You can read more about Advanced Manufacturing Software for Microsoft Dynamics AX in the Dynamics Marketplace http://dynamics.pinpoint.microsoft.com/en-US/applications/advanced-manufacturing-software-for-microsoft-dynamics-ax-4295000014.

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Tags: Andy Vabulas, CfMD, Microsoft Dynamics AX

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Ann Cowgill
Press Contact, I.B.I.S., Inc.
I.B.I.S., Inc.
420 Technology Pkwy, Ste 100
Norcross, GA 30092
United States