ICF Building Company Launches The Foothold
Online, March 19, 2012 (Newswire.com) - WEST HARTFORD, CT - ICF Building Company LLC today announced the launch of their new product, The Foothold. the innovative product designed and developed by James Ryan of ICF Building Company simplifies the process of forming a footing that will allow for a faster and easier Frost Protected Shallow Foundation.
ICF Building Company owner Jim Ryan unveiled The Foothold today at his office in West Hartford, Connecticut. "We're extremely excited to not only bring The Foothold to market but to make insulating concrete form construction easier and more economical. Since our ICF foundations are already insulated, also insulating the footing is required to take advantage of the Frost Protected Shallow Foundation detail specified in our current building codes. The Foothold simplifies this process and allows the builder to backfill and pour a monolithic footing and frostwall. This detail allows us to set our footings at just 16 inches below grade whereas we used to be required to be 42 inches below grade. This results in a cost savings of more than half for the excavation, concrete, labor, etc.."
The Foothold is a stay in place form tie made of molded plastic for concrete footing forms and is compatible with all major brands of ICFs. A single piece serves as a connector for two horizontal concrete footing form planks. The footing form material may be 2 inch EPS or XPS rigid foam insulation available at the local building material supply.
The first-of-its-kind product was developed exclusively by Ryan of ICF Building Company." We're out in the field every day. We realized we needed The Foothold to improve our ICF construction projects - but the problem was The Foothold didn't exist; so we created it." Ryan said. "The Foothold footing form tie is a molded plastic part with openings for rigid foam material to be placed into horizontally, maintaining a consistant space apart from each other with multiple hooks for securing rebar in various locations."
Details about The Foothold are posted on the website.
Pricing and Availability:
The Foothold is available exclusively though ICF Building Company. They are sold in boxes of 32 for $84.99 enough for approximately 50 lineal feet of footing. For additional details and how to purchase please visit: www.thefootholdicf.com
About ICF Building Company
ICF Building Company is a master distributor of BuildBlock ICFs in Connecticut and specializes in Insulating Concrete Form construction. Founded in 2005 ICF Building Company is a leader in the ICF construction industry.
Press Contacts:
James Ryan
ICF Building Company LLC
860 523-1222
[email protected]
Tags: construction, green, icf