Icom Marketing & IT Managers Raise £1000 for Pilgrims Hospices at Silverstone Half Marathon!

Two of Icom UK's managers have successfully finished the Silverstone Half Marathon having reached their overall sponsorship target of £1000!

Jerry Kelk (IT Manager) and Ian Lockyer (Marketing Manager) ran the 13 mile course on Mother's Day to raise funds for the Pilgrim's Hospices in East Kent.

Jerry and Ian are newcomers to road running, having both started the sport about a year ago. In late 2009, with growing confidence and much deliberation, they decided to enter into the Silverstone Half Marathon with the aim of raising money for the Pilgrim's Hospice.

With daily training sessions and a few test runs under their belt, the 13 miles for Silverstone was looking more and more achievable as the weeks progressed... and then, disaster... Jerry badly injured his knee in the week leading up to the event and his completing the race looked doubtful. Thankfully, Jerry's determination saw him through and he finished the whole course; albeit a bit slower then he'd have liked!

Jerry said, "Enormous thanks are due to all who sponsored us, both via our Just Giving site (http://www.justgiving.com/icomrunners) and in person. Thanks are also due to our wonderful support teams for all their help."

He also commented, "I've lost a stone and a half since last summer and I'm still eating all the puddings I want. Running's the sport for me!"

Phil Hadler, Managing Director of Icom UK said, "These two friends of mine have really surprised me since it was only about a year ago they started. Jerry used to be a muso friend of mine, NOW he's a runner - a thing he told me he could never do."

"We used to talk guitars, now it's trainers...I hope in some way I helped him. As for Ian, well, always a fit man in mind and now in body! You guys have done a brilliant job and the company are very proud of you! Your charity will be very happy with an extra £1000 in the pot! Well done!"

All the staff at Icom UK are ecstatic that Ian & Jerry achieved their fundraising goal and completed the Silverstone Half Marathon and would all like to say a big well done to them both!


Tags: marine radio, radio communications, VHF

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Icom (UK) Ltd
Blacksole House, Altira Business Park
Herne Bay, Kent