IDUS Controls Ltd. Introduces Next Generation Rainwater Irrigation System
Online, March 2, 2011 ( - iDUS Controls Ltd., is pleased to announce the release of its next generation Garden Conservepump™, one of the smartest irrigation systems available in today's market. Ideal for vegetable or flower gardens, living roofs and greenhouses, the Garden Conservepump™ uses daylight and soil-moisture sensors to ensure that it waters only when needed and never over waters.
"The next generation Conservepump builds on the success we had with the original Garden Conservepump™," says Ron Hartman, CEO of iDUS Controls. "We have upgraded our controls to be even more user friendly, allowing the user to set the unit and forget it, with the comfort of knowing that their plants will get just the right amount of water that they need, even when left alone for extended periods of time."
The Garden Conservepump™ can be easily integrated into water reuse systems, such as rainwater collection and condensate collection systems. The unit automatically monitors the amount of available water in the rain barrel or cistern, and in the event the stored water runs out, automatically switches to the domestic water supply.
"Conventional irrigation controllers assume there's an endless water supply, so they can't be used for rainwater irrigation or water reuse systems. They just use the water up too fast," notes Mr. Hartman. "Because the Garden Conservepump™ only waters when needed, it squeezes the most out of the available water supply. Gardeners can go holidays with the confidence of knowing that their plants are being well looked after, because the Garden Conservepump™ will automatically switch to the domestic water supply when the stored water runs out."
The Garden Conservepump™ is also energy efficient, and can be operated with an optional solar panel.
iDUS also manufactures the Home Conservepump™, an easy to use grey water recycling system for the home. The Home Conservepump reuses bath and shower grey water to flush toilets. This easy to install, affordable home water recycling system can reduce residential water consumption by up to 30%.
Tags: gray water, gray water irrigation, gray water recycling, gray water reuse, graywater, graywater irrigation, graywater recycling, graywater reuse, grey water, grey water irrigation, grey water recycling, grey water reuse, greywater, greywater irrigation, greywater recycling, greywater reuse, home water conservation, purple pipe, purple pipes, rainwater collection, Rainwater Harvesting, rainwater irrigation, rainwater pump, rainwater pumping, rainwater recycling, rainwater reuse, recycling gray water, recycling grey water, recycling greywater, recycling water, residential water conservation, water conservation, Water recycling, WATER REUSE