If, When and How to Get in the Game of Crowdfunding

Many thought-leaders have looked to crowdfunding to fund their campaign or cause. This 'Igniting Innovation' forum will feature the fundraising successes of the panelists plus recommendations and new developments in the field of crowdfunding.

Mark Talaba, Executive Vice President of The Gabriel Institute, will speak on a panel at the 'Igniting Innovation' forum. The event will take place at the New Hilton Garden Inn in Exton, PA, on Wednesday, June 11 at 11:45 a.m. Mr. Talaba will be among other thought-leaders who have expertise in crowdfunding.

The panel will include two crowdfunding consultants, a crowdfunding platform entrepreneur, a corporate attorney, and Mr. Talaba. It will be moderated by Anthony Gold. Panelists will share their experiences with crowdfunding and explain what drove them to get involved with this new form of 'social investing.' They will provide insights on their successes and challenges, as well as their lessons learned from the process.

Mr. Talaba was the architect of a successful crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.com, which raised $40,000 in 40 days for The Gabriel Institute. TGI's technology identifies the way a person will contribute to team activity, delivering strategic management information used to structure teams for high performance. Their campaign included a unique 'pay it forward' promise: when the financial goal was met, TGI made a pool of 10,000 uses of Teamability (worth $800,000) available to start-up entrepreneurs at no cost, to help them build strong start-up teams.

'Igniting Innovation' is a series of events sponsored by the Chester County Economic Development Council. Anyone considering using crowdfunding to fund their endeavor is encouraged to attend this event.

The cost for the forum is $29, which includes pre-event networking and lunch. Staff and students at Penn State Great Valley may pay a discounted price of $19. For more information and to register, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/crowdfunding-if-when-and-how-to-get-in-the-game-tickets-11274860411.


Tags: business funding, crowdfunding, crowdfunding seminar, entrepreneurs, startups

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Mark Talaba
Press Contact, The Gabriel Institute - Creators of Teamability®
The Gabriel Institute - Creators of Teamability®
1617 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1040
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States