IIMSAM Official Applauded Declaration Of G8 Summit For Its Support To UNMDGs

The Goodwill Ambassador and Director of Middle East office for the IIMSAM, Dr. Naseer Homoud has joined a call for the G8 bloc of nations to take bold action on the interconnected crises faced by humanity.

Congratulating the leaders he added "the world community looks at powerful G8 group to address vital issues which humanity is facing at the moment. The trauma of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster faced by our Japanese fellow brothers and sisters, the experience and aspirations of our people from countries in the Middle East and the deep concern of our African colleagues at the continued marginalization of their voice underlined the urgency of the issues under consideration."

The press statement issued from Dr. Homoud's office noted "it is now evident that high unemployment, rising food and commodity prices, and persistent inequalities have contributed to a substantial rise in hunger, poverty and associated social issues which indeed are not a healthy sign for us. The G8 summit, which has the potential to make significant decisions to help get the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) back on track, committed its best".

He added "it is indeed appreciative to note that world leaders of the G8 renewed their commitment to maternal, new born and child health in the Deauville G8 Declaration, what we now need is the delivery of commitments made; the G8 has agreed to produce specific accountability reports in relation to its commitments on maternal and child health as part of the Muskoka Initiative, and food security as part of the L'Aquila Food Security Initiative". He went on to say "IIMSAM welcomes the publicly stated intent of the G8 to support transparency and to track and follow up these commitments in an accurate and consistent manner, as the world community will be watching developments closely".

World leaders need a lot to do; they have to answer the concerns of millions of people across the globe that look at them with high hopes in context to their unconditional support for MDGs. We must not forget that MDGs represent the true cause and if we fail achieving the target, it would be collapse for which we will be held responsible, urged Dr. Homoud.

At this important juncture, IIMSAM call on world leaders to fulfill their MDG commitments through clear, practical, targeted, and measurable initiatives, matched by clear points of accountability and transparency for ensuring successes and challenges can be understood by all. IIMSAM believes that promise in the Millennium Development Goal to reduce hunger and poverty by half of the year 2015 can only be redeemed by serious thinking, planning and action. Dr. Naseer further added "when we look the other side, there are impending challenges for the mankind, the nature of crisis asks for global and concerted efforts on the part of world bodies, governments and civil society groups to tackle it. IIMSAM is committed, among others, towards UN MDGs Number 1 to reduce extreme poverty and hunger", said Dr. Homoud.


Tags: Dr. Naseer Homoud, G8 Summit, IIMSAM


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