IIMSAM Official Dr. Naseer Homoud Observed International Volunteer Day

IIMSAM Middle East Director & Goodwill Ambassador Dr. Naseer Homoud message on International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development. Dr. Naseer Homoud described voluntarism as an important tool for attainment of the UN-MDGs

Observing the International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development Dr. Naseer Homoud Goodwill Ambassador and Director of Middle East office for the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina against Malnutrition (IIMSAM), the Permanent Observer to the United Nations Economic and Social Council while addressing the media said "The International Volunteer Day which is observed all across the globe on December 5, aims to thank volunteers for their efforts and increase public awareness on their contribution to society. Volunteers are truly doing amazing things around our globe. This day offers us an opportunity to view the broad panorama of volunteerism, to lift up the faces and voices and efforts of countless volunteers who are working tirelessly in their local communities to change the world".

On the occasion of marking the International Volunteer Day the Goodwill Ambassador stated "when we speak about voluntary work we are describing the efforts of millions of people around the world that due to their own will and driven by solidarity, decide to offer part of their time for the benefit of others and not receiving payments or any consideration in exchange. This day is a time to recognize the invaluable contribution that volunteerism and volunteers provide to peace and development. It is also an opportunity to create awareness and advocate the practice of volunteerism to all people". Appreciating the works of volunteers all across the globe Dr. Homoud said "I have nothing but greater respect for all those who engage themselves in voluntary works".

Speaking on importance of voluntarism for accomplishing MDGs Dr. Homoud said "the eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals set global targets and indicators to assess progress on such issues as eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, reducing child mortality, promoting gender equality and empowering women and ensuring environmental sustainability. None of these will be achieved without the civic engagement of millions of individuals giving their time through voluntary efforts." He further went on to say "volunteers are at the forefront of addressing some of the biggest problems our society faces; poverty, health issues, suicide, climate change and literacy, all across the globe. We should take this opportunity to celebrate the contribution that voluntary workers make and to encourage everyone to play their part towards this noble work". He further said that Volunteer Day offers an opportunity for volunteer organisations and individual volunteers to make visible their contributions at local, national and international levels - to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

Dr. Homoud asserted that the pool of human resources, diverse skills and experience which become available through volunteer service will help to bridge critical resource gaps needed to accomplish the MDGs. "Over and above the attributes of unconditional support, integrity and purpose, which come with volunteer work facilitate the spirit of mutual responsibility, which is at the very core of MDGs and this International Day provides us an opportunity, irrespective of our age, race, gender, culture and professional background to renew the voluntary spirit, which is inborn in all of us", said Dr. Homoud.


Tags: Dr. Naseer Homoud, IIMSAM, Qatar


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