Iksanika Brings Experience to Financial and Banking Institutions

Iksanika, a US-based software outsourcing company with a production office in Eastern Europe is excited to announce the launch of a new development practice focused on financial and banking industry.

Iksanika, a US-based software outsourcing company with a production office in Eastern Europe is excited to announce the launch of a new development practice focused on financial and banking industry.

Processes related to finance require a comprehensive level of security, accuracy and reliability. The combination of these factors results in an utterly high level of requirements to software solutions and products focused on this specific domain. Iksanika offers technologically mature development services to a diverse number of financial market participants: payment service, market data, electronic brokerage providers, banks, exchanges and other financial service institutions. Iksanika addresses the companies that cannot use ready-made solutions and need new products to be developed, customized or integrated to existing software components to correspond with their unique business model. Company's offer also covers end-to-end enterprise-wide system integration.

"With the continued success of our company and the increasingly strong demand of web-based and enterprise service solutions in financial sector, we are pleased to bring Iksanika experience to the industry", - said Alex Vergej, CEO of Iksanika. - "Customers appreciate our high responsiveness, knowledge of technology- and industry-specific issues and willingness to contribute it to the project success. We deliver immediate benefits and lasting value to the companies that choose guaranteed quality of software services and optimized costs combined. Entrusting your project to Iksanika you get it delivered on time and on budget".

Iksanika offers outsourced development of financial trading tools, payment services, corporate compliance, transaction routing systems, customer relations management, financial document management systems, and other software to serve financial and banking institutions.

"Today the financial sector demonstrates the signs of recovery after recession. And we believe it's the right time to get ahead of the competition by making well-considered strategic investments and offering your clients next-generation reputable web-based services that allow to securely manage their money online. Besides, it's a crucial moment when internal processes optimization can be the key to further success", - commented Alex Vergej.

About Iksanika:
Iksanika delivers outsourced software development and custom software development services to leading software development and SaaS, e-Commerce and Rich Internet Application (RIA) providers worldwide. Iksanika's main focus is web-based solutions, and offer full-cycle software development, re-engineering, QA and maintenance services. Certified by independent assessors (Carnegie Mellon University) and technology vendors (Adobe and Sun Microsystems), the company provides technological support to their customer's business success by reducing time- and cost-to-market, along with enhancing functionality and usability of their customer's software solutions.


Tags: finance and banking, outsourced software development, software-as-a-service developmen

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Alex Merfy
Press Contact, Iksanika llc.
Iksanika llc.
60 South Market Street, Suite 1200
San Jose, CA 95113